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Posts posted by RobR

  1. Yep I did the exact same thing. All fish removed form DT and then I did 10 weeks with no fish in the DT and it worked out very well, no signs of ich since. Now I QT all my new fish before they go into the DT. It's a long process, biy IMHO it is well worth the effort.

  2. It can take some time, try not feeding the fish for a day or so. Then put the food in the trap, they'll prolly be tentative at first. The other tip I suggest is try leaving the trap with no food in the tank during the time while you don't feed, this way the fish kinda get used to it being there and it isn't so foreign to them.

    Good luck it does take some patience, and I know it can be frustrating as heck trying to catch the little buggers

  3. You can make your own out of a juice bottle, or coke bottle. Cut the top 1/3 of the bottle off and the hard plastic spout so there is a larger hole in the top 1/3. The invert the top half and insert into the bottom, and bam you got a fish trap. For more detailed instructions just google coke bottle or DIY fish trap. They are simple and effective. This is what I used when my tank had ich and it worked really well. HTH

  4. Most of the lfs will carry the bulkheads and loc line you need for plumbing your tank. Most of the other parts you can get at home depot or lowes. It looks like yOu already have some flex hose, do you plan on running that for your drain or hard plumbing with pvc?

  5. Been awhile since I have updated this. Been busy with work and school, but have been moving along aquiring stuff to get this bad boy up and running. Got a 48" BML super actinic for my supplemental lighting. Also got a 40 breeder from the petco $1 a gallon sale that I will be using for my sump. Just gotta get my baffles cut and silicobned in place. Now i am waiting on my new skimmer (aqaumaxx cone-2), return pump (laguna flo-max 1350), and halide pendants (hamilton cayman sun). Picked up my bulkheads and some loc line and hopefully will start on my plumbing this week. Gonna do a herbie with a 1" full siphon and 1" emergency, then 2- 3/4" returns form the laguna. Still need to get my substrate which I thinik is going to be 2-2.5" of tropic eden reeflakes. Will post some pics as the new equipment starts showing up...

  6. Great pics of the corals. Some really good ideas in this thread for taking it slow and getting things moved over to avoid any type of major swings. Things look like they are coming along nicely, can't wait to see the finished product, gonna be one sweet tank!!

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