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Everything posted by jestep

  1. Yeah, I was just referring to something I want in my tank. It could conceivable work using those, but I think most people won't want to go down that path if they do some research on Ilyanassa's. I do think it's interesting that you have what appears to be 2 completely separate breakouts.
  2. Both are cyanobacteria. Definitely would use chemiclean to get it under control. There are no tank cleaners that will eat any reasonable amount. In my experience PO4 is the primary fuel for cyano in addition to too much or poor quality lighting such as old bulbs.
  3. I think Aquadome has some in their $5 and $10 frag tanks.
  4. Pictures? Also, what's your fish load, water change schedule, lighting, and filtration? PO4 is the obvious answer here. Are you using a Hanna or good quality kit for the PO4 and NO3? ATI are more or less useless when it comes to these two measurements. Also, if you have dyno or aggressive algae, they will remove the PO4 very effectively so you get a false or zero reading on NO3 and PO4 tests. Assuming this isn't a very new tank, you must get NO3 and PO4 down to get rid of the aglae outbreaks. Seahares and even fish like a tang or foxface can fix the condition but not the cause.
  5. What's your total volume? I have a NAC 3.5 and I'm pushing it at about 70 gallons total volume. Realistically all of the skimmers with the pump under the cone/tube should be about the same assuming they're a decent brand using a good pump. Bubble Magus, Octopus, cadlights, eshopps, and some other makes this type.
  6. Once it's useful capacity is used up, it just becomes a really efficient place for good bacteria to settle.
  7. If you're going to monitor it, make sure you have a contingency plan and disaster recovery person to take action if something goes wrong. Knowing your tank is going to crap and not being able to do anything about it is worse than not knowing at all IMO.
  8. Biggest issue for me it topoff water. I have had no issue leaving the fish for up to about 10 days without food (prefer to keep it under 7 without food though), but running out of top-off could be bad. If I'm going to be gone for more than a week, I have someone come every few days and drop some spectrum pellets in and refill the topoff water. I've lost an entire tank and almost a second to auto-feeders and will no longer use them at all. Both were quality feeders as well.
  9. Just please don't try to replace it with flash...
  10. I turned my skimmer down but left the cup in last time instead of adding an airstone. Didn't have any livestock loses. My cyano eventually came back and I had to increase my GFO usage to get it gone permanently.
  11. A single good quality PAR30 or PAR38 LED should work fairly well if positioned at the correct height. Check out the holder from boostled: http://www.boostled.com/category_s/1817.htm. Works with PAR38 fixtures as well. Just make sure the spread is enough to cover the tank and not directly spotlight something. 60 degree optics should be just about right.
  12. ~70 gallons total volume. 79 - 80 degrees. House 60 - 75. Try not to use heat so it gets a little chilly sometimes. Pumps: Eheim Compact 2000+ return pump. Mj1200 - Carbon / GFO Reator Rio 400 - biopellets Bubble Magus NAC 3.5 Skimmer 2x MP10, Nutrient Transfer Mode 100% Lighting: 2 x 250Mh about 4 hours a day. LED actinics 14 hours. 70W T5 about 6 hours. 2x PAR38 Refucgium lights, 10 hours and 24 hours. Heater set at 78 with backup failsafe at 80 via Apex, but rarely comes on. Have an azoo fan for evaporative cooling which runs with the actinics.
  13. jestep


    I thought they still have to be primed to get the initial overflow started. Also, for the auto restart, I believe that the actual drain pipe needs to be slightly higher vertically than the inlet inside the tank. This way, the loop stays full if the tank water drops to the inlet height, and the head pressure automatically restarts it once it raises taller than the inlet when the pump resumes. Could be wrong on this though.
  14. jestep


    Yes they work. I would be a little concerned with the design on that one for several reasons, pipe diameter and the t section near the bottom may not have enough height to allow a siphon to be restarted. With any external overflow, your biggest enemy is a power loss. You must have a method to restart the siphon if it's broken, otherwise your return pump empties your sump and possibly overflows your tank onto the floor when the power comes back on. An aqualifter pump is usually the best way to accomplish this, but it's still not 100% full proof.
  15. If that doesn't work here's the tall tanks: Aqueon. 37 tall - 30 x 12.5 x 22.5 65 - 36 x 18 x 25 Perfecto / Marineland: 16H 20 x 10 x 18 20XH - 20 x 10 x 24 30XH - 24 x 12 x 24 65 36 x 18 x 25
  16. There's a few weird tall dimension aqueon or perfecto glass tank, but they're almost impossible to acquire. How big of a tank are you looking to do?
  17. Definitely glass. It's almost impossible to bond acrylic to glass. I got some specific cut and ground pieces at Alamo Glass. There's probably some other good ones in Austin as well.
    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. jestep


      Maybe they'll do layaway.

    3. Grog


      Very nice! I like the green flower anemone they have too.

    4. Funkness


      pretty sure id be sleeping alone if i bought that

  18. Uh, watching Kole Tang teaching chromis to eat film algae... Just another day I guess.

  19. Yeah, they're not super cheap. I got mine on Amazon for about $30 which is fairly reasonable as they use really good cree led's. I have been very satisfied so far. I am also running a 5000K and 3500K one of these same lamps at my office growing a myers lemon tree. These make killer fuge lights. Should be killer for a scrubber or reverse scrubber as well. Also they're 5000K and not 6500K as I originally posted. Here's a link if anyone is interested. http://www.amazon.co...wms_ohs_product
  20. I use a 6500K PAR38 LED and I get about a football size of chaeto growth every 2 weeks.
  21. I'm leaning towards too few nutrients and the chaeto is starving. The vodka takes the NO3 down and the GFO takes the PO4 down so the chaeto has nothing left to scavenge. I would be interested in seeing your readings if you ever do decide to test them.
  22. What lighting do you have over the chaeto and what's your NO3 and PO4 look like?
  23. So he finally went... That was the biggest one I've ever seen. I'd probably send the maroon along with him
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