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Everything posted by GKarshens

  1. If you can catch them it would be a good idea to take the fish out. There is a good chance they will die from the cycle and most people regret damsels later anyway. They can be very aggressive. Your tank can cycle with new live rock or a small piece of shrimp. As for the refugium. You can put some live rock rubble in there and some macro algea to help reduce phospates and nitrates. They are also a great place to have your pods multiply. A heater on a controller would be a good idea as well.
  2. John, when do you expect the order in?
  3. I use the large toe nail clippers from Walgreens. I think they were $8. They work great.
  4. According to this they can be fed flake food. http://liveaquaria.com/product/prod_displa...pcatid=1135&N=0
  5. definitely need to keep track of your temp. Ideally it should not swing more than 2 degrees. Somewhere in the 77- 81 range.
  6. Hmmm. That sounds like a solid acclimation. I'm stumped. Maybe John or Brian or Carlos will see this and have an idea.
  7. What did you do to acclimate him to your tank?
  8. I say go for the RK2. I don't know how I lived before I got it.
  9. I have the RK2 and love it. I highly recommend it. The guys that run the company are great. If there is something you want it to do that it doesn't they will try to figure out a way to add that to the next software upgrade.
  10. There is a thread going in RC right now where it seems to be about 50/50. However, I thought mine was fine until I saw him try to tear off a piece of clam. So some of those may just be in denial.
  11. Here is a pic with the Flame Angel in the tank: Here is pic with him gone: Not the best pic but you get the idea.
  12. They have to be uploaded to the net. Either in our photo gallery here or to another site. http://www.austinreefclub.com/forums/viewt...topic.php?t=193
  13. Sorry about the Blenny. However, I am of the "feed heavy, Skim heavy, do large water changes" opinion. I feed about 3 times a day. I have never had a fish get over weight.
  14. I only have one piece. It is 10"x8" It is 1/8" thick. If you want it it's yours.
  15. Sweet! I will be there everyday!
  16. How big of pieces do you need? I think I have some small pieces.
  17. I'm not sure if this is what you are asking, but I know that at least with my RO unit I get 4 gallons of waste water for every 1 gallon of RO/DI water.
  18. Good advice. I went from a 29 to a 55 to a 125 all in about 4 months. It would have been much cheaper and easier if I had started with the 125.
  19. I just waited until the cycle was finished. Be careful not to add too much at once though or you will start a new one. How about some pics of your set-up?
  20. No idea, but once I get mine you are welcome to come look at it. I live right around the corner from you.
  21. Yeah. One of these: http://www.marinedepot.com/md_viewItem.asp...dproduct=RO1312
  22. Clint, I just found this very interesting article about clam care that talks about these snails and treatments. Check it out: http://www.reefkeeping.com/issues/2006-09/jf/index.php
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