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Everything posted by GKarshens

  1. Only one submission per person. Which pic do you want to submit?
  2. Color, the way the polyps are distributed and the shape of the area where the polyp emerges. If you look at the link I gave you and go to any acropora it breaks down what makes it that species. http://whelk.aims.gov.au/coralsearch/html/...%20pages/33.htm
  3. The second looks like a monti to me. The first is an acro but I am not good at id'ing them. Try RC in the sps keepers forum.
  4. Yes it is a Majestic. I got him at Aquadome. He was eating and had been there for a couple weeks so I felt pretty good about him. He is already eating. So far no nipping. I'll keep you posted.
  5. I got a new fish! I like tempting fate. He is fat!
  6. It will run until the 15th. If there is a tie we can do a 3 day re-vote between the tied photos.
  7. I would say definitely get a skimmer. It would not be hard to convert your 20g into a sump. All you would need is something to make a bubble trap. Either a couple dividers or a bubble tower where your overflow hits the sump. The only thing is a good skimmer isn't cheap either. I would do a lot of research on which skimmer to buy and read some threads on RC where people have compared skimmers. There are some out there that are crap so be careful.
  8. Not exactly the easiest site to use but every type of coral you can think of is there: http://whelk.aims.gov.au/coralsearch/coralsearch.php
  9. I have a couple 5g jugs you can borrow.
  10. It totally depends on what type of corals you want to keep. If you want to keep SPS you will need either T5 or a Metal Halide. Actually I would recommend going with either of those no matter what you want to keep now because if you change your mind later you will already be set. Their are some nice T5 units or you could get a MH pendant.
  11. Do you have the bulbs too? Either way I am interested.
  12. Here are the submissions: Seahorsejl Gkarshens Aeroaustin Phamily Starfire Headless_Donkey
  13. I have a major problem with Mojanos. They are pretty but they spread rapidly! Kill them while there are only a couple. I tried Joe's juice with mixed results. I just have so many of them now that I am in a losing battle.
  14. I wouldn't bother with a big fancy tripod unless you plan to get into some major lenses. I have a couple rather large lenses I use with my D100 and I have no trouble with a light weight tripod. Just make sure you put one of the legs directly under the lens.
  15. I found that taking an aggressive fish out of the tank for a day and then reintroducing it seems to help. I have also heard if you rearrange the rock some while they are out they think it is new territory and aren't as possesive. HTH
  16. I don't have a problem with mine stinking up the room. It sure stinks when I clean it out though. Are you sure you have the lid on right? I have read that baking powder will help with that.
  17. I used to have quite a bit of the pink sponge but it died off for some reason. I have a ton of the yellow. When I was in Panama last month there was blue sponge everywhere. I was wishing I could bring some back!
  18. Welcome to the club! Hope to you see you in June!
  19. It looks great! Those Ikea lights throw more than enough light. I am sure you know that both of those Triggers get huge. It would take several years though. Did you see that huge Pink-tail they had at AA about a year ago? It was gorgeous!
  20. Nice close-up! No red bugs!
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