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Status Replies posted by Sherita

  1. Dang, clothespins are getting harder and harder to find. I guess next time I will have to order them online.

  2. Oh yay. I've got to work on the truck again. Now it's a bad radius arm bushing.

  3. Oh yay. I've got to work on the truck again. Now it's a bad radius arm bushing.

  4. Oh yay. I've got to work on the truck again. Now it's a bad radius arm bushing.

  5. I guess yahoo wasn't satisfied with screwing up their email. Now I see they have ruined yahoo news as well. Off to find my news somewhere else.

  6. What are the odds that I would have TWO zoa eating fish in the same tank?!? The tail spot blenny was eating the skirts, the stupid scopas was eating entire polyps. And yes, before you ask, I saw this with my own eyes. The blenny is in the fuge, the tang in a tank with no zoas. ARGH!

  7. managed to use superglue on magnets twice without gluing myself to anything

  8. Miss the chisel with the two pound shop hammer and you will find out that the hammer throw isn't just an Olympic sport.

  9. Ok, I'm officially over working on my truck. I'm about ready to put a match to it. 4wd front ends are great....until they aren't.

  10. Taking my AKC judges renewal test. Can't believe it's already been 6 years. Wow.

  11. Anyone ever use one of the $130 ish, Ebay LED fixtures?

  12. Anyone ever use one of the $130 ish, Ebay LED fixtures?

  13. Anyone ever use one of the $130 ish, Ebay LED fixtures?

  14. Oh goody. More severe weather headed my way. I've had enough of this. 3.75" hail is NOT funny.

  15. Here we go again. Tornado warning in effect. Sky is turning black and green to the west of me. I've had just about enough of this nonsense.

  16. just caught my red knobby star fish munching on my zoanthids... EVICTED.

  17. Yet again, the post office astounds me with incompetence. And they wonder why people don't use them.

  18. Yet again, the post office astounds me with incompetence. And they wonder why people don't use them.

  19. Yet again, the post office astounds me with incompetence. And they wonder why people don't use them.

  20. Yet again, the post office astounds me with incompetence. And they wonder why people don't use them.

  21. You've gotta love days like this............NOT.

  22. You've gotta love days like this............NOT.

  23. C4 is coming, C4 is coming!!!

  24. Oh boy, can't wait! FedEx is winging towards my house as I type! Purty things for mah tank :)

  25. Oh boy, can't wait! FedEx is winging towards my house as I type! Purty things for mah tank :)

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