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Posts posted by Derek

  1. I am okay then. It's been over an hour and no sensations of pain other than right at the penetration point. It just feels like a splinter. No swelling or discoloration.

    I think my main concern was that I had no basis of comparison for what it would feel like. I have not been stung by a bee or bitten by an ant in many many years.

    Well, I'm not going to go and try for myself but if you didn't feel anything almost immediatly my guess is you didn't get any thing. Most toxins or venoms are going to give an immediate reaction like a bee sting or fire ant bite.

  2. I have heard that Radiata Urchins have venom. What kind of venom do they have? I just got jabbed by mine about 30 minutes ago. I soaked my hand in epsom saltwater for a bit. My finger does not hurt or anything. I just see the little stab mark where the needle went in.

  3. I have been having a heck of a time keeping bubble corals over the past year. I cannot figure out what I am doing wrong. The placement seems fine. The tissue just keeps retracting and eventually it complete dies.

    I just got a new lighting fixture to provide more lighting. I just do not want to invest in another piece if it is going to die again. Has anyone had luck keeping a bubble coral long term? If so, what is your secret?

  4. How long have you had them? How long are they?

    Sorry to hear that. I've got a 2' long zebra in my DT that I had dreams that I found on the floor several times. I finally went and bought some 1/2" glass covers and I sleep better now.

    I've got a really nice pair of golden dwarfs that I go back and forth about selling. Their color is great, they eat like pigs and they hang out together almost all the time. I honestly don't think they would ever try to escape, they just don't venture far from their home. I paid $185 each with shipping and would just keep them if I had to sell for less. Let me know if you are interested, I would only sell as a pair at this point.

  5. It never fail. The night you leave the lid to the tank off, the eel takes a stroll along the tile floor. I would like to get a dwarf golden moray or even better a pair, hopefully a young pair.

    If anyone sees a good deal on a pair, let me know.

  6. I actually made a trap that has been super successful. It only cost me a about $25 bucks to make. I'm more than happy to share the design with you. Maybe you'll have some ideals on how to improve it.

    I took a standard specimen container and a piece of acrylic. I cut the piece of acrylic to cover the top of the specimen box. I then cut a third of the piece of acrylic off and then siliconed that smaller piece to the specimen box as well as super glued it. Super glue first, then the silicon. Once it was all dried, I drilled two holes in the smaller piece and two holes in the larger piece. I used regular trash bag twist ties as "hinges". I drilled a hole in the middle of the other side of the acrylic for a string hole. I then use a magnet to fix it to the back of the tank. This part is super important, you have to have the trap as close to the sand bed as possible, the fish will not go in it if it isn't close to the bottom. I then just take my nori clip, put some nori in it, and put it in the tank. I usually put a mysid cube or a brine cube in there too.

    It took me all of 30 minutes to catch my naso tang and my flagfin angel.

    Note: I still use the trap to acclimate fish, corals, and invertebrates. It is still a fully functional specimen box. It could use some sort of latch for when it closes. If the fish is strong enough and you don't have enough tention on the line they can push out.

    This is what the trap looks like:


  7. I love buying fish. It is my addiction. I generally like to buy a fish when it is little and then trade it in when it gets bigger. There are a few fish that I have kept for a long time and still have, like my Marine Betta and my Pink Skunk Clowns.

    Is it bad that I like to trade fish in?

  8. I do like having even lighting over the entire tank. I need to check a few things out. I have been having some problems with some LPS types, mainly torches and bubble corals. They bleach out and then the flesh retracts. Nothing starts eating them until the fresh retracts. I may try changing the orientation of my lights but I think when it comes down to it, I just do not have enough light. My anemone is doing okay but it's up in the upper 3rd of the tank and is right below the brightest LED strip that I have.

    I am a bit bummed because my oldest frogspawn colony is all retracted and nearly gone. It was my very first coral and I have kept it alive since the fall of 2006. Not a bad run but I was hoping it would be a lifetime companion (yes, I consider corals to be a companion and have on occasion talked to my xenia, don't judge me).

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