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Posts posted by Derek

  1. Since I am new here I figured I would introduce my tank. I have a 90 gallon Deep Sea Aquatics Neo 90. Its under six high output florescent bulbs, 3 actinic and 3 10k.

    Here's the front view of my tank:


    Here is the view from the right side:


    Here is the view from the left side:


    I was shocked, my Marine Betta was being photogenic tonight. Usually he hides a lot but has become more active since I removed a Copperband Butterflyfish from my tank.


    • Bicolor Angel (1)

    • Flame Angel (1)

    • Lamarck's Angel (1)

    • Lawnmower Blenny (1)

    • Flame Hawkfish (1)

    • Pink Skunk Clown (2)

    • Blue Green Chromis (2)

    • Marine Betta (1)

    • Dilectus Pseudochromis (1)

    • Yellow Eye Kole Tang (1)


    • Coral Banded Shrimp (1)

    • Scarlet Skunk Cleaner Shrimp (4)

    • Bubble Tip Anemone (2)

    • Fighting Conch (2)

    • Mexican Turbo Snails

    • Turbo Snails

    • Astrea Snails

    • Trochus Snails

    • Hermit Crabs


    • Toad Stool• Finger Leather Coral

    • Kenya Tree (2)

    • Pom Pom Xenia

    • Australian Duncans

    • Frog Spawn Euphilia

    • Scuba Steve Euphilia

    • Torch Euphilia

    • Zoanthids (Green)

    • Zoanthids (Purple Death)

    • Mushrooms (Green)

    • Mushrooms (Watermelon)

    • Alveopora

    • Yellow Polyps

  2. I have a growing number of areas in my tank that are getting covered with filamentous sponge. It looks like spaghetti is stuck between my rocks. Some of it gets pretty nasty too. Debris and waste gets caught in it often and just rots.

    I have been considering getting a Rock Beauty Angel to eat the sponge. I have a 90 gallon tank and PLENTY of sponge to sustain one. I was just curious if there were any invertebrates that would each sponge as well. I would prefer to have an invertebrate since it would have a lower bio-load but the Rock Beauty would be a welcome addition.

  3. I concur. It will take a little while for them to get used to each other. I have a Lamarck's Angel and a Yellow Eye Kole Tang that are about the same size. They still squabble a little bit but do not harm each other.

    I have had Tomatos in the past. You don't need to worry about them, they can definitely hold their own. I would recommend keeping your fingers closed tightly together when reaching in the tank. The ones I had would go for the fleshy spots between my fingers.

  4. Thanks for the welcome. The tank is 3 feet long and about 2 feet wide. It is about 2 feet tall as well. I love it. I did a bit of work on it today to make the rocks a bit more stable and to provide more growth area for corals.

  5. Hello Everyone,

    I am new to Austin Reef Club. I have been keeping reefs for a little over 3 years now but have been in Austin since 2003. If you have any questions about me feel free to ask. Here is a picture of my baby:


  6. Bubble tip anemones are pretty cool. They can reproduce by lateral diffusion (dividing) or by spawning. It is an awesome evolutionary advantage and one of the reasons why I really enjoy bubble tip anemones. I have two myself, a green one and a tannish with purple tips one.

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