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Everything posted by mooric

  1. Later last night the anemone seemed to be looking better. This morning he is still in a contracted state but not as sever as yesterday. I guess time will tell. I will just leave him alone for now.
  2. Gonna try and make this meeting.
  3. It's a Bubble Tip Anemone. Lighting is 150MH + 36watt Actinic PC supplemental.
  4. Perhaps the manufacturer has some information online?
  5. The Details. Purchased Friday. Drip (Salinity) Acclimation for 45min + Temp Acclimation in tank. Placed foot between two rocks on the sandbed so he would feel safe and not get blown around. This morning he looked good, he had extended his tentacles and was letting them wave in the current. This evening he has receded in between the rocks with all his tentacles pulled in. It almost looks like it's trying to consume himself the way he is all balled up. I have checked all my water parameters and everything is normal. Temp: 76 Salinity: 1.024sg Ammonia: 0 Nitrite: 0 Nitrate: ~0 I have just left the anemone alone since I put him in the tank, since I have read that it can take up to a week for them to get "comfortable" after the stress of moving to a new tank. Any thoughts? TIA Moo
  6. Placed second order for a few more things. 1 Reef Pod 1 Penny Macro Algae 1 Cheato 2 Nassarius Vibex 4 Nerite Snails (Small-Medium) Total: 21.21 Grand Total: 43.31
  7. Dang how did you get 2 reef pods? it wouldn't let me add more than 1! Moo
  8. 4 Blue Leg Hermit 4 Empty Hermit Shell 10 Dwarf Cerith 1 Emerald Crab 1 Reef Pods Total: $22.10
  9. Too bad I couldn't find any info on the thermal properties before/after with that setup.
  10. I have a extra ballast from a JBJ 24g that is sitting in a closet collecting dust. Not sure if it will work for you but you are welcome to try. Moo
  11. Chad & Belinda, I was great meeting you both, you had a wealth of knowledge to share with a noobie like me. Thanks for the nice LR and rubble, I have already added them to the tank. Look forward to seeing you all again. Moo
  12. I would like to come by and check out your available LR. Send me a PM with your info. Thanks, Moo
  13. mooric

    Test Kits

    What do you all use for Test Kits for (Ammonia/Nitrite/Nitrate/Alk) Currently I am using the "Marine Basic" kit by Seachem but it doesn't give measurements for some of the tests in a standard format. I am in the market for a new kit and wanted suggestions. TIA Moo
  14. How do you acclimate new corals to strong lighting?
  15. Thanks for the tip Wayne. I was at fishy business today and the owner recommended that I set my temp down to 76 so that when I get the temp increase it is still within a safe range. Moo
  16. Yes it's a closed canopy. That's a photo from the manufacture's site. Perhaps I will run the lights for a full 11hours tomorrow to see how big of a swing I actually get.
  17. So I have been going through my first cycle on the new tank this last week and one night I decide to turn the tank lights(150watt MH closed canopy) on for a little while. I haven't been running them to cut down on excess algae. The tank has been stead at 78.9 - 79 degrees all week, but after about 3 hours with the lights on the temp was up to 81.6 degrees (ambient household temp was 74 degrees). Is there such a thing as an acceptable temperature swing or am I going to need a chiller? I was really surprised that the temp changed as much as it did, the canopy even has 4 built in cooling fans. Thoughts? TIA Moo
  18. Only problem is that they need to fit inside the lid of my Nanocube next to the MH.
  19. I recently learned that if I wanted to get my fish/corals etc to floresc I would need to add some Actinic lights since the MH I have now won't do it(Thanks Dapettit). Since I have an all-in-one system adding lighting can be a little bit of a challenge. I found this product and wanted to see what people thought of it. I was going to go 100% Actinic with these lights. nanocustoms TIA Moo
  20. I want to start thinking about a CUC for my 28g. I have an idea of what I want but I am not sure on how many of each I should get. Want: Cleaner Shrimp Peppermint Shrimp Emerald Crab BumbleBee Snail Astraea Snail Electric Blue Hermit Crab Scarlet Reef Hermit I would also like to add a Pincushion Urchin, Blue Tuxedo. Thoughts?
  21. Dave and Robin thanks for hosting today's ARC event. It was great meeting you and everyone else. Look forward to future events. Moo
  22. You may want to check out this thread as an option. CO2 scrubber - raise (and maintain) your ph for less than $50 - Austin Reef Club Moo
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