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Everything posted by Teresa

  1. Hey All, I figure some of you might have some advice on this topic. I'm trying to install a new dog door and it turns out there is a stud in the middle of the "perfect" place for me to place the door. Can I cut the stud? Is that a really bad idea or not a big deal? Newly constructed home and I've never cut into a wall before so I'm a bit terrifed at the idea. Any advice is welcome! Teresa
  2. Hi Dena, Thank you so much for your message! I've visited your site a few times and have complete admiration for the work you do. Dakota is a 5 year old Australian Shephard/Heeler mix and is only 35 lbs. She is such a love bug. We have been playing and cuddling every day since I brought her home from her in-kennel training session at Triple Crown Academy. I'm still working with Austin Dog Alliance in the hopes of finding her a perfect forever home. I wish you the best with your rescue organization and I'm glad to find other dog lovers on this forum. My best, Teresa http://austindogalli...available-dogs/ http://www.gofundme.com/dakota Dakota smile2.bmp
  3. I voted else where cause I didn't see Pflugerville - am I blind? I know it's close to Round Rock, but I've got Pville pride! Where else can you have a bumper sticker that reads "Between a rock and a weird place"?
  4. Arrgg - this is what I get for not checking the forum in over a week ! I hope everyone had a great time. I'm so jealous of all your finds already .
  5. I'd love to see a pic. Feel free to pm me.
  6. do they have any more??? I've started a ric garden and that's my next color!!!!
  7. wow - that is intense! Great job!!! It looks awesome - and soooo different from when I saw it in person months ago .
  8. Thanks all for the comments. I haven't moved them yet, but I'm going to look into a screen lid. They are currently in a smaller tank with a glass lid over 2/3 of the tank and have not jumped. They hang out together and like each other's company. The only time I see them at the surface is when I feed them. Otherwise, they love to swim in the flow. I appreciate all the input!
  9. Oh no . . . I'm trying to resist. Technically I don't have room, but, if I just move a few things around . . . . I might try to head down tomorrow. I'm currently nursing the worst sunburn ever after floating the san marcos river yesterday. I'm hoping I won't need the ice packs after today
  10. Hey All, I'm getting ready to move my black clown fish to their new home (29 gallon biocube), when I realized it would be good to double check on whether or not they are known jumpers. The biocube is running as an open top with mh pendant - am I going to need to get a glass top or do you think the clowns will be fine? They are going to be the only fish in the tank (maybe add a goby/shrimp pair later). It's primiarly going to be my new maxi mini carpet garden tank with some bubbles for the clowns to host. Thoughts? Concerns? I wanted to move them over later tonight . . .
  11. omg!!! Do they have more?????
  12. SOLD! I wish everything i posted would sell this fast : )
  13. Frogspawn - $10 Teal Trumpets - $20
  14. Teresa

    $5 Frags

    BUMP - Still have plenty of both!
  15. Hi Everyone, I've raised Dakota since she was a puppy and she a wonderful, loving dog. I am trying to find her a new forever home and figured I'd reach out to all of you for support. If you know of anyone looking for a new best friend, please feel free to direct them to Dakota's adoption page at http://austindogalliance.org/adopt/available-dogs/. Since she is special needs, I am paying for her to attend training at Triple Crown Academy in the hopes that this will make her more appealing to potential adopters. Of course, this costs a lot of money. I just started a donation page to help raise enough money for her to receive the specialized training she needs as a dog handicapped by a loss of hearing (we believe she was born deaf). Please visit the page, share it with others and make a donation if possible: http://www.gofundme.com/dakota. Thanks for taking the time to read this message . I'm always humbled by the amount of support and care granted by ARC members. Teresa
  16. sweet deal! I'm so jealous!!
  17. 1. Don't do a large water change - it'll stress the fish out more (10-15% is good) 2. Yes it is possible that the fish fought off the parasite that quickly - still soak food in garlic and keep an eye on him. The parasite is still in the tank and can re-host your fish easily.
  18. Do you have any pictures of the live rock?
  19. In terms of temperature, I had this same problem when the summer hit. Some good recommendations were made and I learned a little bit more about cooling - in particular how important the space where the water meets the air is for evaporation and therefore cooling. I didn't want to spend the money on a chiller either and I didn't like how fans would mess with the clean display of my tank. Instead, I used an air pump and tubing to disturb the water at the surface and increase evaporation. Since you have an ATO, you don't need to worry about too much evaporation. I bet you could place a small rigid tube in one of the back corners of your tank about an inch or two below the surface of the water. Once the air pump is turned on, all you would be able to see is the constant bubbling (rather than a ugly tube).
  20. soak with hot water and distilled vinegar overnight (1/2 cup - cup of vinegar should be fine). Use a soft sponge to wipe out the inside to avoid scratches. Rinse really well afterwards. You might want to think/consider your options before transferring the fish to a completely new environment. If he's eating and swimming normally then it might be better to keep him in your main tank. Here's some pros/cons, not an exhaustive list by any means but things to consider: Keeping sick fish in main tank Pros Established tank with live rock/bacteria/proper filtration Less stress on sick fish therefore increasing his chances of recovery Less stress on other livestock by not having to rummage through the tank to catch sick fish Garlic additives seem to benefit entire system Cons Should not medicate display tank Fish could get more sick and therefore more stressed when removed The Ich parasite could find more hosts in other tank mates Moving sick fish to QT Pros Can easily treat only the sick/injured fish Outbreak is likely to decrease in main tank after primary host is gone Cons new tank/filtration = a very stressful environment for fish the stress of being moved alone could kill a sick fish In both cases Ich is still present in your main system so you need to keep good parameters and keep a close eye on all inhabitants for additional signs of ich. My two cents: If the fish is actively moving and eating keep him in the main tank - reduce all stresses - do small frequent water changes - use garlic additive If the fish shows any signs of increased infection (more white dots instead of less within a day or two), lethargic or disinterest in food, move fish to QT If you are truly terrified the parasite will reproduce and spread to other tank mates, then place the host fish in QT.
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