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Clown eating mushroom!?!


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So, as I kinda suspected it would my crazy clown has decided to host in the new green hairy mushroom rock I added a week or so back.

I was doing some reading online to see how the mushrooms hold up to clown love and stumbled across a forum post where someone had a healthy clown eaten by a hairy mushroom!!

Kinda has me wondering... What are the odds? The mushrooms don't seem overly irritated by the clown. Hope they aren't luring her in to be a midnight snack...


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I've never heard of a mushroom eating a fish. Do you have a link to the post? I've got a lot of fuzzy mushrooms in my tank (as you saw when you came by the office) and never thought they were in any way dangerous for fish, but I don't have clowns.

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I've seen it a few places, but here are two that mention the possibility: Advanced Aquarist and Wet Web Media. And here's a post on nano-reef.com with pictures (I think you might have to join the site to see them): Nano-reef post I don't think it's particularly common, but apparently it can happen.

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I had heard of mushrooms eating clowns, but they were always talking about single mushrooms that were 1 ft or larger in diameter. Most of the mushrooms in the trade, simply don't get that large. The species to be wary of is the elephant ear, which is a fish eater by nature, and will not hesitate to have your clown as breakfast.

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Wow 1' mushrooms? Now that I can see eating something. I keep looking at my hairy mushrooms (the biggest is about 4" across) and wondering how it would even be possible for them to consume a 2"+ clown.

Sundra, you do have some awesome hairy mushrooms and I just read you have a mandarin as well. I was quite worried about the possibility of my slow, docile little mandarin getting eaten too.

I think I'll just keep all parties involved and only pull the mushrooms if they get monster sized.

Crazy J, not getting rid of my clown! Was considering getting rid of the mushrooms but wanted input first. As long as the mushrooms don't act like they are going to eat anything I'm going to keep them, my clown loves them.


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