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Solana Troubles...


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So, I have my Solana set up, and I love it.

However, one problem is MICROBUBBLES! I cannot get them to cease. I've tried completely taking it apart, yet nothing seems to work. I have all the sponges and filters in the correct places, etc.

Anyone know what to do?



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Two things come to mind. Turn off you skimmer to confirm the source of the bubbles. (likely to be the skimmer).

If it's the skimmer check it carefully for cracks and fitting. While I haven't had trouble with mine I have heard of others having problems.

If it's not the skimmer what is your water level in the 3rd chamber?

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Alright. It IS the skimmer.

I was told that having a skimmer in a tank that size isn't absolutely necessary, so if I just decided to run w/o it that I'm fine.

What would be the repercussions of taking the skimmer out of the picture?

I plan to add a few more fish, and a heck of a lot more corals. Thoughts?

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How long has it been setup? I know the solana skimmer can take a few weeks to break in. I am not sure how you have it setup, but a few things that might help.

1 leave the bioballs in the skimmer.

2 build a small stand for the skimmer to stand on. Not only does this help with microbubbles, but it improves the performance.

3 Check the acrylic weld around the top of the skimmer. Mine has come apart on three seperate occasions. When it does it allows microbubbles to escape around the side of the collection cup.

Mine actually works very well, and I would recommend leaving the skimmer in. It is just one more way to maintain water quality. Especially in a small tank that can make big swings.

If you decide to replace it, I have nothing but great things about the sapphire aquatics skimmers that are custom made for the solana.

Good luck with your issue

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+1 on both the skimmer being highly recommended and on the skimmer taking time to tune. Use the gasket to move the skimmer till the bubbles are about 1/2 " up the the base of the cup. Let it run for a day minimum. As medi said check the seams.

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How long has it been setup? I know the solana skimmer can take a few weeks to break in. I am not sure how you have it setup, but a few things that might help.

1 leave the bioballs in the skimmer.

2 build a small stand for the skimmer to stand on. Not only does this help with microbubbles, but it improves the performance.

3 Check the acrylic weld around the top of the skimmer. Mine has come apart on three seperate occasions. When it does it allows microbubbles to escape around the side of the collection cup.

Mine actually works very well, and I would recommend leaving the skimmer in. It is just one more way to maintain water quality. Especially in a small tank that can make big swings.

If you decide to replace it, I have nothing but great things about the sapphire aquatics skimmers that are custom made for the solana.

Good luck with your issue

Thanks for the detailed post! :))

Okay, so... for the stand, what would I make one out of?

And where is the acrylic weld?

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by acrylic weld I meant the seams that make the rectangular box at the top of the skimmer body. As for the stand I just took a couple of scrap pieces of acrylic and made a little stand. Very easy to do using acrylic weld.

Not sure what you mean? "+1 for stand. Why?"

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Medi, everything seems to look in place. I talked to Jake at RCA and he is going to see if it is just my skimmer that is doing this, or if it is something else in the tank.

If it fails, I'd be MORE than willing to pay to you come take a look at my tank to look for a problem. wacko.gif

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I'm not gonna lie the stand was recommended to me by the guys at Aquatek. I'm not really sure why it works, but after I put mine on a stand I no longer had any microbubbles and the performance was improved. Wish I could explain it, but I said the same thing when they told me to do it and honestly I don't remember what their reasoning for it was.

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From Current USA:

Thanks for writing.  There can be a number of factors for the microbubbles appearing.  The cause of this has to do with surface tension.  The microbubbles created by the protein skimmer will normally dissipate before reaching the return chamber, but there are conditions that will increase the surface tension of the water and cause the bubbles to remain intact longer and become smaller in size.  Some additives like water conditioners, dechlorinators and ammonia reducers will cause these, as well as natural things like organic buildup in the aquarium.  If you feed heavily this can cause organic buildup in the aquarium which can cause this.  Make sure to discontinue adding any additives right now, lower the skimmer cup so it collects more of a clear liquid, and put new activated carbon in the system to pull out the offending compound that is keeping the bubbles intact longer.

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