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Cloudy Water


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Hello everyone, i was wondering if anyone else had a problem with cloudy water in the mornings! I have just recently transferred everything from my 37g tank to a 40g breeder tank. I believe the transition went well. The next day the water was clear and fine, but the following morning I woke up and the water was cloudy. I thought it was from the skimmer so i unplugged it and went to work. When i returned home yesterday evening the water was clear again. This morning I checked the water and it was cloudy again without the skimmer being on. My filter pads and my Hydor powerhead were clean. I did not have time to test any water parameters this morning but I will when i return home after work. The water of this tank has been used for 3 years with a fish only setup. I just added the live rock 3 months ago. The tank is stocked with only a false percula, 20 snails, 7 red legged hermits and 50lbs of live rock. I use a penguin HOB filter and a Remora C Skimmer. When everything was in the 37g i never had this problem. I do have the tank by a window but not in front of it.(same spot as the 37g) i posted a pic of the tank so you can get an idea of my setup. i will try to put a youtube link for a video from yesterday evening. If you have any suggestion please let me know. Thx

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Are you running a sump? If so it could be micro bubbles. Could also be a precipitation event caused by Kh. Check paramiters and post numbers and more info on the system.

No, i am not running a sump just a skimmer and mechanical filter and Hydor koralia 3.

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I would take out the Hydor immediately. I had issues with the first Hydor 2's. They started leaking in the magnent area. It almost caused a complete tank crash. I did a big water change and ran tons of carbon, and was able to save most things, although I did loose some stuff. Not saying you do all that immediately, but I would take out the Hydor and inspect it very closely, and maybe run it in a bucket for 24 hours to see if you get the cloudiness in there.


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