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Hermit Crabs


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Howdy. I acclimated my electric blue hermit crabs as per the instructions on Vivid's site. After I put them in the tank, two went to town immediately feeding. One, however, walked along the bottom and the picked a spot next to a rock, feeded a little but not to vigorously and then crawled back into his shell and hasn't moved. Is this normal? I don't think there is anything I can do that wouldn't cause more stress to the little guy.

Here's a picture of one of the active ones:


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Thanks! :D

It's a Canon XTI with a EF f/2.8 100mm macro lens. Depth of field is a bit tricky on macro lenses. Even at f/11, I focused on his near eye and his back eye and leg blurred out. Maybe I'll submit it to the photo contest. He's a cute-yet-freaky looking little bugger.

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He's still alive, but I don't know for how much longer. He has remained in the same position since the three went into the tank. After each 24h, I pull him out to smell if he is dead. He's not; I put him facing the glass and will see him move slightly from time to time. The other two have been voraciously scouring over my tank.

I dropped a feeding pellet next to the hermit crab and nothing. About 15 minutes later, the mitrax had made his way to where the pellet was and gobbled it up. I have no idea if the crab is getting any sustenance at all.

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