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Stand collapsed, tank busted a seam


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I woke up this morning to this horrific site. :) Lost all the corals, fish and ¾ of my live rock had disappeared. The only thing that made it was an ugly little clown fish. Even my wood floors are destroyed! The good news is it was only a dream. Although it seemed so real it took me about 45 minutes this morning to realize nothing had happened. Don’t you just hate it when you have dreams like that?

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My roommate and I were filling up our 75g we got on craigslist. I had mentioned that I hoped the stand held together as we were dumping our 50th or so gallon into the tank. No sooner than I said that, we heard "creeeeaaaak." Turned out to be a branch of a tree that snapped outside our apartment, but it gave us both a good scare :)

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*Whaps Clint upside the head*

OMG I log on to ARC and gasp when I see your post. My co-worker asks what's wrong so I'm reading it out loud as I look at it . . .then get to the part where it's just a dream. :) You really had me going!

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The whole house ran to read this, I'm at family's house.

I had to do the 'ol welfare check last night when our top-off pump kicked in...........Dude this isn't something to joke about!!!! Glad to hear it was a dream.

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I hate it when that happens. . .

I was making water the other night. The wife and I both feel asleep on the couch. Got up to go to bed and forgot about the water. Luckly I had sealed the base boards and a small stream of water was runnig out the garage the next morning (from the runn-off water barrel). :doh: Just order the parts to Auto shut off the water to that barrel.

The dog house has been pretty cold the last couple of nights. :lol:


Edited by dapettit
I wish I could spell
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Actually, it is pretty amazing that this has never happened for real. I have never heard of a stand collapsing, and even a split seam is *extremely* rare. Given how much weight and pressure are on these things, that is nothing short of amazing.

However, as I read your initial description, I was wondering how a collapsed tank would make your live rock "disappear"

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I was worried for you when I first read. I am glad I have not had a dream like that.

Although, when I was doing fresh water I did wake up to a 140 gal where about 40 gal had leaked out on the floor from a leak that was not there when we went to bed. Luckily we have tile floor. Still it took us a couple of hours to get the all over the living room floor.

The good part is that is when I decided to switch to salt water. Ben loving the adventure ever since.

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Still it took us a couple of hours to get the all over the living room floor.

The good part is that is when I decided to switch to salt water. Ben loving the adventure ever since.

Yeah chark, salt water is SO much easier to clean up when it spills across the living room. :doh:

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