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ATTENTION DENA............


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Ya know what I did? I drove to San Marcos to tear down someone's tank and broke my back carrying buckets of stuff to and from the truck.

Then I brought one of my dogs (Thunder...Mama remembers him) to a Halloween party where he tried to dash out the door after a Dachsund growled at him. Had a lot of fun after he relaxed, and then he didn't want to leave. One of my adopters works at the store where the party was and she proceeded to take Thunder on a little shopping spree. My dog gets to go shopping on MY birthday.

It did end with a dinner at Texas Roadhouse where my friend embarrassed me by telling them...I had to sit on a saddle and waive my napkin in the air. In ALL my years I have never had that done to me. Next time I'm going to McDonalds!

Oh...and I won a baby Red Albino Corn snake in a raffle at the Reptile Expo on Sunday. Would have had two, but they drew my ticket after I was home and it was too far to drive again.

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