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lighting and running carbon


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I have started to run carbon and phosgard in my tank. I was reading some other forms and people have said that when running carbon it takes trace elements out of the water that need to be replaced. What do I need to use to replace these trace elements? And for the lighting, what type do I need in order to keep SPS corals?

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Carbon will absorb dissolved organics and some heavy metals. If probably does take some essential elements and most of the essential elements will be replaced with regular water changes.

My rule of the thumb is to dose very little in terms of adding supplements to the tank. I only add Ca, Mg and alkalinity supplements. I will add a little iodine in my top off water.

One the biggest traps I see new hobbists fall into is add every supplement they can buy to the tank. Most of the supplements are not needed and can lead to nuisance algae problems and water parameter issues.

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personally I'd drop both. I used to run the vitamin supplement and I'd dose it, and hours later my skimmer would be full of what I dosed.

The phyto is probably optional as well depending on what you have in your tank. do you have any small (under 2-3") clams?

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Other things that may need phyto:

1. Sponges

2. Filter Feeding Worms

3. Non-photo corals

4. Zooplankton (copepods)

But yea, you are better off not dosing it unless you specifically have creatures that use it. If you have a refugium that will provide plenty for any incendental critters.

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no. the clam that i have is a little bigger then that. i have zoas, polyps, open brain coral, xenia, clam, trupet coral and feather duster, etc. Do you know if SPS corals will live in the biocube with the stock lighting? I have a purple digi coral frag but its brown. the polyps come out but its not purple.

Edited by polarbear
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this is the lights that are in the biocube.

(1) 36 watt True Actinic 03 Blue straight pin

(1) 36 watt 10,000K Daylight straight pin

(3) 0.75 watt Lunar Blue-Moon-Glow LED

As for the water flow, they are right in the path of the return pump. The water parameter are all good except for the KH which was on the low side. I added the buffer yesterday so it should come up. they have been in the tank for about 2 months now so I dont know if they are still adjusting.

Whats husbandry techniques?

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I would say no to any SPS under stock lighting but same have had moderate success with it. I have a 24g aquapod but I am running it under a 250w MH pendant so light is not an issue :)

As for dosing I just started dosing bionic two part yesterday. I dont plan to dose anything else other than this unless I absolutely have to.

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