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psycho cardinal


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my male bangaii turned on the female and she is looking rough. Not sure why, nothing has changed in a while. He was wild caught I am pretty sure, and she wasnt. He has always been a little wierd, but the female is my favorite fish. Always cool and tame. I just tore down half my tank trying to catch one of them but failed. Used a flashlight after dark, but I have a lot of stuff in there. Any suggestions on catching them, or possibly a way to chill him out?

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I use egg crate to catch my problem fish. Part of my tank has a LR "island" so I remove the rock from there such that one end of the tank is completely devoid of rock. Then I get the problem fish on that side of the tank and slide in the egg crate that I've cut to the inside width of the tank. Now you have your fish in a contained area with no LR for your net to get caught on.

Fish are usually easy to catch at this point.

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I second the Eggcrate, but also if need be, drain a good deal of water. I just had to catch the very last damsel in my tank that way. it is also a good idea to have a second person helping to croral the fish, if the size of your tank permits it.

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I use the two net method which works pretty well. Fish are naturally great at getting away from one predator. If there are two predators they have a much harder time running away. Sometimes I just use one net to chase a fish into another net. Sometimes I will try and actively catch with both nets. This two net method works surprisingly well.

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thanks for all the advice. I am still trying the 2 net way with no luck. I am pretty sure that aquatek usually gets the captive bed. There is a big difference in how the 2 cardinals behave, one being from the dome. I am pretty sure theirs are WC. They are pretty easy to breed, but my male (WC) has eaten the last few batches. You would love them Andrew, I think. They would probably eat your panda and shrimp gobies though.

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I think it is the same as far as male and female go. I bet if you had 2 males you would know it by know. They are really hard to tell apart. Not sure if I can really tell, but the males have a slightly different jawline, I guess because they are mouth brooders.

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hey denna ive had my three pajama cardinals for 5years. odd numbers be the trick males tend to be slightly larger in both species and they do indeed have diffrent jaw lines but not to worry they can tell the diffrence and when they know you will definently know they are ambush predator and have the speed to prove you will fail with your net only stress it out and damage its fins (come on pepole throw out those filthy fin killin nets spend 30 bucks buy a fish trap) oh sorry about the rant one of my litttle quirks the net is allways my last option. if your not overly fond of them you could exchange them for 3 or 5 babies start over .or just by a baby and hope for the best the second female will spread out the aggression

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Well, after trying to catch him all day yesterday, he has cooled out. Maybe it was some kind of mating thing. They have been hanging close to each other all morning today. Man, I thought he was going to kill her the other day. Weird. Her dorsal fin is frayed and a lot shorter than it was, but otherwise she is ok. I guess I will let them be for now. Cant seem to catch them anyways.

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Mine haven't hurt each other and usually stay on the opposite sides of the tank. I just thought they were more of a schooling fish for some reason and I was like "what the heck, they don't even go near each other". And when I notice them close, one usually chases the other away, but nothing serious. I'd be more open to buying more than getting rid of them LOL.

BTW...I have a fish trap :P


hey denna ive had my three pajama cardinals for 5years. odd numbers be the trick males tend to be slightly larger in both species and they do indeed have diffrent jaw lines but not to worry they can tell the diffrence and when they know you will definently know they are ambush predator and have the speed to prove you will fail with your net only stress it out and damage its fins (come on pepole throw out those filthy fin killin nets spend 30 bucks buy a fish trap) oh sorry about the rant one of my litttle quirks the net is allways my last option. if your not overly fond of them you could exchange them for 3 or 5 babies start over .or just by a baby and hope for the best the second female will spread out the aggression

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Maybe they like it rough... :P

Well, after trying to catch him all day yesterday, he has cooled out. Maybe it was some kind of mating thing. They have been hanging close to each other all morning today. Man, I thought he was going to kill her the other day. Weird. Her dorsal fin is frayed and a lot shorter than it was, but otherwise she is ok. I guess I will let them be for now. Cant seem to catch them anyways.

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Maybe they like it rough... innocent.gif

Oddly enough, the process to be mated with a partner requires some equality of strength. On weak mate and one strong mate does not cut the mustard. Only in the human race does compassion enter into the equation. When people raise animals to the same level of consciousness, it is always a mishap. Enviromental stewardship in our tanks means getting rid of the weaker fish. If not your herd will go downhill. Selective breeding of desirable traits is a universal practice. Elimination of the weak is a natural process exercised by every creature on earth, except mankind.


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