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Best Fish Names


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My lawnmower blenny is named Grandpa because he has my late grumpy grandpa's look! I have a blue damsel and her name is Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds and my coral banded shrimp's name is Dude, cuz he just looks like a dude!

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So our ocellaris are named Uno and Juno (because I refused Nemo, and Uno was our first fish). Wife named Juno to rhyme. Our flame hawk is named KGB because he's red and always sneakily watching you from cracks in the rock. Most times you can stare at the aquarium for minutes before you locate his eye gazing at you from some hidden place. Our BTA is named Graboid II (graboid I didn't make it), from Tremors. Our watchman goby is named Rorschach (the only name my son liked from the Watchmen comic book). It makes it easy for us to know which fish the other is talking about, so I go along with it. :lol:

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Leroy--I love your blenny's name...it's amazing how these fish can look like people!

vwmike--KGB is brillant! Our flame hawk is named El Bandito. Our clowns are Heckle and Jeckle. We inherited two fish that came with names (Ernie the Damsel and Prince the Royal Gramma). I'm currently calling our new Lawnmower Blenny "Toro" though I'm not sure that will stick. Another damsel is named Shenandoah...because my elementary school's (yes, that long ago) colors were blue and gold. Our yellow watchman goby is Mr. Goberson. And my personal favorite is our wrasse...THE Wrasse.

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My three year old daughter also named the fish.

Of course we have an Ocellaris pair named Marlin and Coral. No Nemo because my daughter said since there are two fish then they will have a baby and it will be nemo. Then we have a pink spot watchman goby that is named Mommy wacko taco, a Coral beauty angel fish that is named My silent girl, and a purple dottyback named Grandma. Don't ask me where she came up with the names because I have no idea.

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My grandson helps name the fish. The scooter blenny is either Skeeter or Benny the Blenny. The hi-fin goby is Zip because he's so fast. His partner pistol shrimp is zap. The tri-color wrasse is Lightning because he's even faster than Zip. The lawnmower blenny is currently unnamed. The peppermint shrimp is also nameless.


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Leroy--I love your blenny's name...it's amazing how these fish can look like people!

vwmike--KGB is brillant! Our flame hawk is named El Bandito. Our clowns are Heckle and Jeckle. We inherited two fish that came with names (Ernie the Damsel and Prince the Royal Gramma). I'm currently calling our new Lawnmower Blenny "Toro" though I'm not sure that will stick. Another damsel is named Shenandoah...because my elementary school's (yes, that long ago) colors were blue and gold. Our yellow watchman goby is Mr. Goberson. And my personal favorite is our wrasse...THE Wrasse.

That's just great, way to ruin the name game for us. Now if I ever get a wrasse it will have to be named "A wrasse" because you took "THE".

Personally I don't see any way that Mommy Wacko Taco can't win this contest.

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I was never prouder of my daughter than when she named the lawnmower blenny Job after the movie lawnmower man.

Wow, this is awesome! :D Now you have me wanting to watch that movie again.

We haven't really named many fish. We used to have a yellow clown goby called Sunny. His replacement was called Junior. I think the only other thing named in the tank was my first striped pistol shrimp named Snap.

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