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Green chromis. How many?


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I have read and heard varying opinions. I wanted to see what others had to say. I know you should get at least 3 for them to school. But I have heard from others to do at least 5 or 7 or more because while they will school with less one may become dominant and kill the others. I've never had them in my tank, though plan on it soon so trying to separate fact from fiction and see what others have experienced.

How many should I get?

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I can't really help in terms of green chromis, but I can share my experience with Talbot Damsels.

I bought 4 of them to school in my 75g. Well they didn't. 3 of them ganged up and killed the 4th. The other 3 became semi-agressive and tried bullying the other tank mates. Now one has emerged as the leader (I believe it is a male), and has now spawned with the other two. He is still guarding/fanning/cleaning the clutch of eggs in his cave.

So I suspect you will need the 5-7 number...

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Every time I have bought Chromis I always seem to lose a few. Right now I have three in my 75G and they are doing great. For some reason, I have read they are better purchased in odd numbers, 3 or 5 as you cited. I have one large one in my 90G and he is fine on his own, but would probably be happier with a couple of other large ones.

Michael McDermott

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I have two green chromis. I bought 3 at the same time. The two remaining killed the 3rd. The bully is larger and more brilliantly colored than the other one. He tries to bully other fish but doesn't seem very successful at it.

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i wouldnt take my word on this but i have heard that fish school for a reason. If you do not have that "reason" in your tank over time they will figure out they are safe and have no reason.

If that is the reason you want them then you may want to look into that information a little.

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I'm not specifically looking for "schooling fish". I was interested in these fish but since they are "school fish" I was trying to figure out which number to get to ensure everyone plays nice. :)

i wouldnt take my word on this but i have heard that fish school for a reason. If you do not have that "reason" in your tank over time they will figure out they are safe and have no reason.

If that is the reason you want them then you may want to look into that information a little.

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I bought 5 and one died. The four remaining are like best friends. Like stated, I hear that buying odd numbers is best because one will get killed off. Sounds bad, but that is artificial "nature".

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I would get 7... any that die off will still leave you with a nice group. Get the ones that have been at the LFS for a week or more if possible. They can have a high mortality rate when first shipped in.

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I would get 7... any that die off will still leave you with a nice group. Get the ones that have been at the LFS for a week or more if possible. They can have a high mortality rate when first shipped in.

yes! I was waiting for someone to say this.

These guys ship poorly, and I expect that it's from collection methods. They school in HUGE groups and are not treated by collectors the same way, say a crosshatch trigger would be.

I like groups of 5+... gives you that reef fish, schooling look without taking up a whole lot of bio load. It's a 70 gallon, right?

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Yeah its a 70g FOWLR. Only 3 other fish in it right now so it's lightly stocked with LOTS of good filtration.

yes! I was waiting for someone to say this.

These guys ship poorly, and I expect that it's from collection methods. They school in HUGE groups and are not treated by collectors the same way, say a crosshatch trigger would be.

I like groups of 5+... gives you that reef fish, schooling look without taking up a whole lot of bio load. It's a 70 gallon, right?

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