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Hello from Reefdiscussion


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Hi Everyone,

Just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Mike and I am the creator of reefdiscussion.com We recently made the transition from a local Southern California Reef message forum into a national board. Just hoping we could build a relationship with this club as well as all the members. I would be happy to integrate this club into our forum so that if new reefers from your area signs up on reefdiscussion, he would be referred to your club. Let me know if this club is interested. Great site! Thank you -Mike :D

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WOW, so, mikee, the owner of socalireefs goes around to all the other cites,and thier reef club forums and spams them... Too funny.

This guy has censored legitimate reef business' 'cause they arent freinds of his or his moderators, he and his moderators have banned regular members for even mentioning people or busienss's that arent on his 'clique' list.

He has banned regular members for talking bad or saying anything negative about him or his forum, (while he was spying under an alias on another forum, (thats right, if anyone said anything bad about socalireefs, while on a different forum, he would ban them.)

He has 'created rules' for certain members to be targeted, while shielding friends even though they break the same rules.

He has made other members remove links or messages or signatures to 'other reefing sites', but yet he will spam you and other forums...


He changed his name,to hide and get away fromthe 'stigma' that followed his old name, and announced he was going 'international' (to help / benefit the sponsors)


Check it out, but dont bother registering, as he uses that registration statistic to present to business' so he can charge them more for 'sponsorship' fees

BTW: I do have a forum also, but i wont bother spamming you all with the info...it is primarily used for folks that just want to chat anyways... (mikes chatbox is lame btw)

sorry, you all had to see his, and my message, but it seems politics and drama is something mike loves and needs to spread througout the world's reefing community

Edited by bergy
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