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cyano wipe out.


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In my little octo tank it can be difficult to clean it well. About a week ago I got a huge mat of cyano bacteria that covered almost the entire sand bed. I did a large volume water change (about all I can do to clean the tank) but it was still there a few days later. Well most of the shops in town have been out of peppermint shrimp all week so I bought 3 camel shrimp from the Aquadome to feed the octos. Within 24 hours almost all of the cyano was gone and I sat there watching the shrimp feed upon it. They would eat it up and leave clean sand behind.

Not exactly a scientific study but if you've been battling the cyano you might give them a try. My calculations were 1 shrimp per 2.33g of water to clear it up overnight.

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I have heard mixed reports on camel shrimp and their safeness with corals. But then again, recently people (on nano-reef) have been complaining the same with peppermint shrimp. I think they are both just opportunist feeders, and might pester corals if not enough other stuff to eat.

But I do find it fascinating about the camels and cyno.

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