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Fragging Leathers ??


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So both of my leathers are kicking butt - big and fluffy.  Kind of too big and fluffy right now, so I'd like to cut them back and start over.  

Can I just lop the entire head off and expect it to grow back the same?

What could I expect to sell them for?  Neon Green Lone Star and normal (??), both 8"ish across.



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Yes you can just cut off the head.  You can also use scissors to cut a strip off around the outside edge.  Once you have the frags growing with a stalk and "cap" the neon green I would think could get you $20 - $40 for a 2" baby.  The generic brown maybe $10 on a good day.

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I just use scissors and go around the edges or cut where it ripples the most. I don't mount them, I always sell fresh cut so I don't have to mess with plugs and stuff. Up to you though

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4 hours ago, Juiceman said:

I don't mount them, I always sell fresh cut so I don't have to mess with plugs and stuff.

Yup - pretty sure both of these are from your tank.  I know the neon green one is for sure.  

Seems like finding buyers up front for a certain day of a cutting would be the way to go. Cut the whole head off, move to bin, and then section it outside of the tank and hand it off.

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Yup - pretty sure both of these are from your tank.  I know the neon green one is for sure.  
Seems like finding buyers up front for a certain day of a cutting would be the way to go. Cut the whole head off, move to bin, and then section it outside of the tank and hand it off.


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