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Bleaching out Rhodactis

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This rock covered with red Rhodactis mushrooms was sitting partially in the shade of a large toadstool leather. The mushroom on the bottom began to bleach about a week ago and then the one above it started to do the same, I moved it out in the open so it would get better light. However, it seems weird that one would bleach while the others seemed unaffected. I am worried that it might be pathogenic and not a photo response. Any of you seen something like this? What else should I do beside give it light and maybe spot feed some Reef Chili and Cyclopeeze?


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+1  There are documented bleaching events tied to bacterial infections but trying to identify it in one of our tanks would be a challenge.  Lighting can also change dramatically in just an inch.  Looking at the picture you posted the two that are bleached appear to be the only two that are dirrectly facing up and getting the most light. 


Do you have a history of your PO4?   This paper here found internal PO4 levels below .07 made corals more sensitive to light and to temperature.  If your PO4 levels have dropped in your tank over the last several months one possible explanation for it happening recently is an imballance between PO4 and nitrogen. 

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