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Mantis Shrimp Tank Mates


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Hi everyone,

3 weeks ago, I did something really stupid.  I saw this beautiful Peacock Mantis Shrimp, about 6 inches long at Aqua Dome. I fell in love all over again.  So I bought him without thinking about what it takes to take care of him.  Anyways, after I check him out, I realize I don't have a real home for him.  So I ended up buying a 32 biocube as a home for him.  So now that the tank is cycled, I'm ready to put him in.  I was wondering, does anyone here local have a Peacock Mantis Shrimp they would be willing to show me how they care for it?  

What kind of tank mates are compatible?  

I was thinking sea urchins and big turbo snails to help me control algae.

Maybe some damsels or wrasse.

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No inverts, literally, it will eat / destroy any other invert in the tank. 

I'd be leaning towards cheap, fast, open swimming fish. A few damsels would be my pick. As it grows, they may be fair game as well though. Peacocks get huge, the tank will be his eventually.

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  • 3 weeks later...

All the tanks I've seen that have mantis shrimp in them are only for the shrimp and anything else living, made of meat, put in the tank is for food.  I don't think they make good reef neighbors for other living creatures.  It's definitely a cool animal though.

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