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Pan World Pump NH-100PX-X


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Hello all, 

Today my sump overflowed due to my return pump going out and now just have a major clean up. I just tore out sheet rock and replaced electrical outlets due to it being a custom made tank in wall. ? I had bought another pan world pump for back up a few years ago and never realized it is for 220V. Now I am freaking out and afraid to lose all my fish and corals. I just placed an order for another pump but it will not be here until a few days. What to do?! What to do!!.. I was hoping someone may have a spare one that I could use for a few days or purchase at a fair price. I just need some help. Even something that will work for the moment. I know how well this community sticks together so I wanted to see if someone could help. Thanks... 

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1 hour ago, julespinkyd said:


if you drill a small hole on the underside of the elbow before the flexy stuff on the returns, this breaks the siphon.  If that's not possible, raise your returns a tiny bit below surface, so when the pump turns off, it will pull air more quickly.  You always want to make sure when the pump if off, your sump has the capacity to hold the standing water in your system, breaking siphons is the best bet.

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Thanks for the info. I am definitely taking more precautions now. I have had this new tank running for 5 years and I do have cutoff valves installed but I never thought about the pump going out. I feel like an idiot.... well now I am taking more precautions.

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9 minutes ago, julespinkyd said:

Thanks for the info. I am definitely taking more precautions now. I have had this new tank running for 5 years and I do have cutoff valves installed but I never thought about the pump going out. I feel like an idiot.... well now I am taking more precautions.

welcome to the guild of paranoia. :)

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