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Tank Cover


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Would stainless steel welded wire mesh work for an aquarium cover?
It is 1" X 1/2" mesh stainless steel. It may be a little big, but I could always double it to make the squares 1/2" X 1/2"

Do you think it would hold up to being in a saltwater environment or any other problems you can think of by using it?

Cost isnt a factor since I already own a large roll of it from building my parrot a outdoor aviary from it.

Thoughts and suggestions?

Here is a small pic of it


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I have a stainless steel rim on the top of my tank and it hasn't been holding up that well over time. There are rust spots in a lot of areas, mainly joints. I would imagine something similar happening with the mesh but it might be worth a try if you have plenty on hand.

Another thought as well is it might block more light then the usual plastic netting most use.

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I'd think that would actually block less light, and if you're ok with replacing it now and then might be nice. My top is two DIY window screens. The fabric/plastic of the screen does noticable dimming, but luckily my lights are way more than I need.

I'm using the 1/4" nylon mesh that bulk reef sells. It also comes in 1/8", but blocks almost no light at all. I would imagine the stainless would be somewhere between the nylon stuff and the fabric you're talking about, which also works great for acclimating coral or reducing intensity without changing the photo period.

I'd be worried about the other elements like nickel and chromium in stainless getting into the water. They're not as toxic as copper, but I wouldn't think they'd be something beneficial to a reef tank.

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