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Gee, Brain, what do you want to do tonight?


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The same thing we do every night Pinky, - try to take over the world!

My meteor shower is positioning itself to take over my DT. It's now at least 12" wide and gaining ground every day. is there anyway to inhibit an encrusting coral from spreading to a certain area? The picture below is maybe 3 months old. Most if the algae is gone due to some very hungry hermits and the meteor shower has spread out to cover the entire front of the rock it's on and is right up against the leptoseris and has climbed up to just under the orange digi. Not complaining about this beautiful healthy coral, just wondering if there's a way to control it. Thanks:)


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Lol. Yeah my GBTA is keeping my war coral from global domination on the other side of the tank. I initially thought that the coral would not grow into the shadows to get to another spot in the light, but it certainly does!

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