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Forcing clownfish to host anemone


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Has anyone tried forcing their clownfish to host an anemone thats never hosted before? What are your experiences? And how did you do it? How old was your clownfish?

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You can't force a clown to host as far as I know. The best you can do is to get a clownfish that does host and it can teach one that doesn't, but many clowns never host or host odd things (heaters, powerheads, etc.). They aren't the smartest about it.

That said, what kind of clown and what type of anemone? There are certain known compatibilities, for example I haven't heard of clowns hosting a condylactis anemone.

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So i tested it, had a normal orange ocellaris clown fish and a black ice, only the orange ocellaris hosted to the clown fish and kicked the black ice clown out. Haha

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I've heard of people taping a picture of clownfish hosting in an anemone onto the tank facing in so the clownfish can see it. People have reported that this strategy has worked, but I can't say from personal experience. Worth a try though..

Lol its in a restaurant people may look at me funny hahhaha

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I've heard of people taping a picture of clownfish hosting in an anemone onto the tank facing in so the clownfish can see it. People have reported that this strategy has worked, but I can't say from personal experience. Worth a try though..

Lol its in a restaurant people may look at me funny hahhaha

Just post pictures of people eating your food around the restaurant, they'll understand then

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I've heard of people taping a picture of clownfish hosting in an anemone onto the tank facing in so the clownfish can see it. People have reported that this strategy has worked, but I can't say from personal experience. Worth a try though..

Lol its in a restaurant people may look at me funny hahhaha
Just post pictures of people eating your food around the restaurant, they'll understand then

I think they would enjoy that!

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