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Looking for help - moving 210 across town


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I'm acquiring a 210 gallon tank next weekend, but I'm really not sure how to move it. It's a running back system worn lover ice, fish and coral.

I might be willing to pay for someone to move it, but I have no idea what that type of service runs. I'd really like to make this as safe for everyone as possible and ensure the best survival rate for everything.

Any info, suggestions would be most appreciated!



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Hi Katie,

Great size tank, I love my 215-gallon myself! Must be pretty exciting to get it!

Since it sounds like a fully functioning, currently running tank, I'd probably suggest having the pros move it.

I believe Timfish on ARC can handle that if he's not too busy or you can usually hit up one of the LFSs for a quote to move it.

Most of the time when we get a bunch of people together to move a tank is when its empty. There's just less logistics to worry about and try to keep track of so anybody can just show up, grab a corner, and lift.

The last full tank breakdown, move, and setup I was part of was a disaster as most of the corals died and fish as well. The person didn't prepare anything before and didn't have new water ready at the new house. We did our best to transport everything safely but without proper planning, it ended up as you could best expect. Plus, it also took up all the volunteers day up. Something we thought was going to be just 2-3 hrs ended up being an almost 6-7 hr day by the end of it. I'm all for always pitching in to help but an almost 8hr day is more of a job than just trying to help.

If you do want to still tackle it yourself, perhaps you can get over there and get the corals and fish first and then have volunteers help lift and move an empty tank later on?

Hopefully OceanTraveler chimes in here as she just paid people to move her tank not too long ago.

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Hi, the tank I had moved was empty. The seller had everything broken down for me. I can look up the name of the movers. It was a seamless move.

I have moved tanks with livestock successfully. You need to schedule it well. Give me a call tonight and I'll talk you through some various ways to successfully get you new tank home. So excited for you.

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^^Good advice for sure. I've already been planning for my aquarium moves whenever it needs to happen. The move isn't even planned yet but I realize they will be some of the most complicated parts of doing a move to a new home.

My, again amateur, suggestion is to have as much clean, cycled, and running water at the new place as possible. I know this is difficult because you probably don't just have that much room to store livestock from a tank that large. If you have other tanks up and running already I would maybe focus on trying to acclimate some of the livestock to your running systems and get them in some known good water. When you move the substrate it's likely going to drastically alter the water chemistry in a way that won't be controllable and this is probably why people have disasters happen when they try to do a move. Just think of what happens when you move a coral either by mail order or from the local fish store... you're doing the same thing except in a small piece.

I think moving the equipment is the "easy" part.... the real challenge is keeping the stuff alive in doing so. My plan is to have the new house up and running for a month when I move before moving my aquariums out of the old house.... then I will move one over per day so that I can ensure that everything is smooth and well planned with new running water at the new house.

With that said, I'm more than happy to help with any heavy lifting or logistics planning should you try to assemble a team to do it. Also, I don't intend to undermine any of the advice you've already been given and I'd be more than happy to be corrected if I'm wrong about any of the above.

Edited by FluxCapacitor
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Late yesterday the seller got in touch with Aaron from Just Reef. They're going to move it Saturday morning.

Just got our new RODI up and running last night, so we're in the process of getting water ready. I have 180lbs of new sand at the house waiting for the tank when it gets there. I'm going to acquire a bit more to be sure we have enough. Too many things can go wrong with used substrate (so I'm told).

Thank you for all of the advice and information!

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Hi, the tank I had moved was empty. The seller had everything broken down for me. I can look up the name of the movers. It was a seamless move.

I have moved tanks with livestock successfully. You need to schedule it well. Give me a call tonight and I'll talk you through some various ways to successfully get you new tank home. So excited for you.

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Send me your digits and I'll do that! Thank you!

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  • 2 months later...

Was wondering how the move went? I'm not looking forward to moving my 210g anytime soon but just wanted to have your feedback of what went well and what could be improved...thanks

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Aaron did a great job! It took 8 hours or so, and 4 guys. We had new sand for the tank when it was set up at my house, and the guys got it up and running, with the fish in it. Zero losses!!! It was a long night, and hard work, but very successful! Just need to make sure to have enough vehicles. They only had one truck and a SUV, but I had my truck that night, so I was able to help. Otherwise, it was smooth!

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