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Angelfish heaven


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I went by the Aquadome today after finishing some work down South and man.... It's like angelfish heaven down there right now.

They have one giant bluering angelfish, biggest I've ever seen, probably 9" wide and 7" tall. Worth the trip to just look at the specimen alone. Had a smaller one in the tank as well and it had to be 6" x 5" itself.

There was a giant regal angelfish as well, about 6".

They literally have 5 adult (5-6") blueface angels and a lot of medium sized ones as well.

To top it off, I saw about 3 large adult majestic angels and a lot of juvis. I didn't want to leave that place! Wow!

Lest I forget, they had a rare scribbled angel in one tank as well. Way out of my budget... enough that I knew there was no need for me to even entertain the thought of it as Hunter was gently leading my eyes to it. I ran screaming out of Aquadome to avoid the impulse buy.

Okay, I may have walked home with one fish but it definitely wasn't any mentioned here.

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