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Freaking Zeovit..... SMH


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I am a little skeptical of the true colors you'll see in person. The main thing I focus on is the color of the plugs. They are supposed to be white. You can tell that there is a decent amount of actinic light on the frags as the picture was taken. This is pretty rampant on the classifieds of a larger forum I frequent.

I'm not saying the frags won't probably look great in person but I'm skeptical that they'll look radioactive like in the picture. Zeovit does pull out some great colors though.

I honestly dislike the fact that the vendor posts and sells pictures of their acros like that. One, it makes everyone have a inferiority complex as they wonder why their acros will never look like that. Two, they don't often include the fact that they run zeo on their systems. I've asked them multiple times on their sales posts if they are running zeo and they never answer. I think it's deceptive to sell to the average hobbyist that is not running zeo as they will not maintain their colors.

Sorry if I sound like a grumpy Gus this morning but vendors like this drive me nuts.

Agreed... the first time I bought a coral from a Zeovit tank (and paid crazy money for it) I didn't know any better. And of course it never looked like that.

unless they have tons of money and time (at least for a large tank) to keep up with zeo, I wouldn't worry about trying to achieve those kind of goals.

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I agree as well. Those colors are so amazing that they look too good to be real. Yellow is a hard color to find and maintain. I've never even heard of a coral that is that brightly colored yellow. Are you sure you're not being punked by Tanked?

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I agree as well. Those colors are so amazing that they look too good to be real. Yellow is a hard color to find and maintain. I've never even heard of a coral that is that brightly colored yellow. Are you sure you're not being punked by Tanked?

People are vouching for him as the colors being accurate when then get them in the mail.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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I don't doubt it. I remember when I used to trust WYSIWYG, but Photoshop slowly strangled the optimism out of me. It's like finding out that animals can't really talk or your favorite super hero isn't coming to your birthday party. I've seen a lot of awesome Zeovit tanks on the internet. If even half of it is reliable then it's a proven system. It's not for me though. The Zeovit handbook is akin to getting a law degree and it turns your tank into a mistress. From a hobbyist standpoint, I have enough trouble keeping one woman happy and don't need another one. It might be viable from a business standpoint though. You could open your own coral shop Juiceman!

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It might be viable from a business standpoint though. You could open your own coral shop Juiceman!

I'm just going to throw it out there and say that you should call your new shop "Juicy's Zeo Coraltastic Utopia". That might be a little long for a business card, so maybe just "Juicy's".

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