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I think I broke my fish tank


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On weekends I generally have people over and the music volume eventually gets pretty high. I've noticed the tank gets a bit cloudy after this, but generally settles down in a day or two.

It's been about 4 days and several water changes and I can't see a thing in the fish tank and my corals look really pissed.

I'm moving in 4 days also, so does anyone have a remedy for this? If not, I might just sell all my corals and fish and just scrap it before moving as I am also about to start traveling 4 days a week.

Thanks in advance for any and all help!

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My tank PH drops a lot when I have a lot of people over, but I have a hard time imagining how music could cause cloudiness ...

I'm imaging the vibrations stirred up some stuff in the sand/on the rocks or something along those lines. The fish are fine, but it looks like I mixed milk into my tank right now. Bleh.

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How many people are we talking? Do you turn down the A/C, change in temp, open doors or windows? I can't imagine the music would do it, I'm thinking more of a bacterial bloom.

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About 12-15 people. I'm living downtown, so I generally hold the pre-party before we all go out. I've noticed lately every time I have people over and play music loudly the tank gets cloudy the next few days.

As for temperature no change and no open windows/doors. There was a pretty solid film on top the fish tank, so it very well could be a bacterial bloom. I assumed it was the music/vibrations stirring up the tank causing it. What usually causes a bloom?

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Is there any chance a guest put anything in it? One of the members on here used to have roommates that thought it was funny to put goldfish crackers in his tank. Be sure to run carbon.

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