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GSP vs Kenya tree -- the fight is on


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The kenya might kill the rest of the tank with terpenoids, but no way the GSP is going anywhere but everywhere...

terpenoids? what is the concern with the Kenya tree?

Yeah, the main defense chemicals that soft coral produce are called terpenoids. I'm not sure if something on the base would cause them to produce more. I think in my experience it's a chemical response to a chemical response.

If you ever have 2 different species of soft coral go to war in a tank, they can cause a lot of stress to the rest of the coral in the tank. I had some pulsing xenia and kenya tree coral go to war in my old nano cube, the kenya eventually killed the xenia, but there were a bunch of stressed coral even when running carbon.

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and the fight is over, I removed the two combatants from the tank. (back to your corners.... or garbage can actually).... I also just replaced my carbon and gfo. Looks like a water change is in my near future.

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