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Cats and Fish Tanks


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When I first setup my peninsula tank next to the couch we had gotten a new kitten. I spent day after day for weeks cleaning the glass on the couch side, trying to figure out what all the little spots were along the glass. There were tough little boogers to remove.


I was home a few weeks after and saw her sitting on the back of the couch watching the fish. Then she'd sneeze on the glass. Over and over.

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@mFrame Hahahaha! Apparently fascination with our little biology experiments isn't limited to our species.

She hasn't "gone fishing" yet but I continually catch her peering over the edge of the tank......that'll be a fun discussion with the girlfriend (her cat) if something goes missing.

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Wow, our cats could be twins, yours looks just like mine.

If you haven't already, checkout out the Ssscat (http://www.amazon.com/Ssscat-PDT00-13914-SSSCAT-Cat-Training/dp/B000RIA95G/ref=sr_1_1). Great little training tool to keep kitties away from where they shouldn't be (like tightrope walking across the light fixtures on top of my tank)

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I had a cat that liked messing with my tanks. One day while watching TV he came running in just sopping wet and jumped up on it to start bathing himself. Took me a second to realize the only way he could have gotten so wet was to fall in one of my saltwater tanks and there he was dripping saltwater onto my tv! noexpression.gif Thank God I had towels handy.

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My cats pretty much leave my saltwater tanks alone, but I've had to go to great lengths to keep them from fishing in my 40g planted freshwater betta sorority. I ended up adding a cover to the tank, and then putting a Scat Mat (http://www.amazon.com/PetSafe-ScatMat-Electronic...) on top when they figured out how to reach through cut-outs for the canister filter tubes.

The Ssscat works really well. I used one for a while to discourage the cats from messing with one of my birds (the bird promptly learned how to imitate the sound).

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