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RCA First Friday After Hours Sale January 1st!

Jake@River City

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We're ringing in the New Year with our monthly Friday Sale! Continue your celebrations New Years Day with great bargains. 20% off all livestock with free food and drinks. We have several shipments landing this week, so you're sure to find something you can't live without. See you there!

Where are our teaser pics Jake? [emoji4] You know I'm visually motivated!
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Latest shipment:

Black Tamarin Wrasse
Blue Sapphire Leopard Wrasses
Neon Pseudochromis
Lawnmower Blennies
Heniochus Butterfly
Blue Jaw Trigger male
Yellow Eye Kole Tang
Aiptasia Eating Filefish
Goldhead Sleeper Gobies
Randall's Anthias
Atlantic Pygmy Angel
Flame Angel
Bicolor Angel
Christmas Wrasse
Coral Beauty Angel
Porucpine Puffer
Bursa Trigger
Yellow Line Sweetlips
Engineer Gobies
Lemonpeel Angel
Ocellaris Clowns
Onyx Clowns
Bar Gobies
Yellow Clown Gobies
Yellow Watchman Gobies
Red Fire Shrimp
Bulb Anemones
Rhodactus Mushroom Rocks
Orange Yumas
Orange Fungia
Zoa Rocks
Aussie Elegances
Red Flower Anemones
Green Flower Anemones
Green Emerald Crabs
Lettuce Nudibranchs
Sand Sifting Stars
Pink Tile Star
Orange Crabs
Tuxedo Urchins
Sea Hare
Purple Lobster


Here's the "orange crabs". Don't know much about them, vendor didn't give a species name. Anyone have experience with these crabs?

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