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Need Saltwater


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Just got home from my vacation and my roommate has unintentionally killed most of the fish in my tank. I need to round up 10 - 15 gallons of SW for a substantial water change before anything else goes. Does anyone have any prepared they could sell me? I'm in central Austin.

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Yes sir! Thank you again for coming through to help so late in the evening. The six line wrasse that I was certain was a goner has bounced back, and the clownfish that was looking on the edge is doing fine as well. The two cardinals didn't make it and I'm about to fish out the linkia right now. Now on to the next battle that came with this mess - hair algae.

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You may want to continue to do a few more large water changes. Check your params first and if there are still a bunch of nutrients in the water, just keep doing them every few days until it's back down to a reasonable level.

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