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Water testing


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I just tested my calcium and it was much higher than the last time i tested so I thought I'd retest...and I got a different number so I tested again and got a different number again!!! I'm using a hanna checker. Anyone else ever have this issue? I made sure I did each test the same every time. The numbers were 477, 420 and 491. I used the same ro water and the same saltwater sample. Alk was very close to last time and mag is increasing because I'm dosing.

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Hmmm...and I thought there were going to be more accurate. I remembered I had a Salifert kit that hasn't expired. Just did two tests with it and came very close on both at around 390. So based on today's tests my cal / alk is a tiny bit low. 6.44. Mag is up to 1230.

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