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Large and Multiple Tanks in Lost Creek?


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Hey everyone,

Tina and I had to go to her mom's house last night in Lost Creek to check on a few things since she's the realtor and the inspection was going to happen today.

She had just got a new car and hadn't driven a manual in a few years, so was a bit nervous to park on the hill in front of her mom's house. I suggested that she looped around and parked the car facing down hill.

We never go this way and it was dark, so I was shocked to see a small tank (cube?) in one of the houses and then another tank and a huge display (300ish gallons?!?!) in their living room.

Just curious if it's anyone on here... tanks looked really nice, but I didn't want to be too much of a creeper haha

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I know I've gotten coral up there at least once. I can't remember off the top of my head who's up there though.

Edit: Maybe I'm thinking twin creek or onion creek... Too many creeks around here.

Hahah, off of 360 in Westlake.

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