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So I think I just killed my Nem


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It decided to move when I was out of town into strange spot, so I decided to move the corals by it so they wouldn't be stung. Little did I know it actually had attached itself to a rock and a clam shell that had GSP on the top. As I tried to move the clam shell, I noticed it was very hard to move (I figured the GSP had spread to the rock and didn't want to move)...

**** was I wrong, I ripped my nem right off that thing. it looks like it all still in one piece, but I felt a big rip. it is currently shriveled up and very pissed off at me.

Sooooo did I just kill this poor lil guy?

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Be patient and wait, don't do anything else. Nems get torn all the time and can survive but it may take a few days for it to come out of hiding. If you're lucky you'll end up with two (one from the foot, one from the top half).

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Be patient and wait, don't do anything else. Nems get torn all the time and can survive but it may take a few days for it to come out of hiding. If you're lucky you'll end up with two (one from the foot, one from the top half).

Nah. He's fine. Just let it recover. It may split now. I've had nems go through both koralia and vortech power heads and recover.

Sounds like I should've done this ages ago...

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I agree with everyone else, it'll be fine. Anemones are glorified baloons that can heal themselves. People have cut anemones straight down the middle with a knife to artificually clone them and they've survived. As long as most of the base of the anemone and mouth are intact, it will usually survive if it's a healthy specimen and doesn't get infected. Just keep an eye on it while it recovers.

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