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Supplementary filtration: skimmer or reactor


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I am curious what some more experienced reefers think is a better choice when thinking of adding some supplementary filtration. I have a ten gallon tank with a two and a half gallon hob refugium, 20 pounds of live sand, ~ ten pounds live rock, and some chaeto in the fuge. The tank is moderately stocked with mostly softies but I have a couple small lps and sps frags, I also have a peppermint shrimp and a snowflake clown. Do you think I need more filtration and if so of what style would you suggest?

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My vote is for skimmer. Attacks the nutrient problem at the source and also provides aeration to the tank.

Don't the gfo and bio pellet reactors attack the nutrient problem also just in a different way?

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Yes, but after the organics have already broken down releasing nitrates and phosphates. The biopellets and GFO attack the brrakdown products. Why not remove the source organics first? Either way, I say preference because I don't think there's that much of a difference.

In all honesty, a tank that size, 20% water changes every 2 weeks and thats all you'll need.

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Are you seeing issues in your tank or is this just a question out of curiosity? Bio pellets need a skimmer to take the extra bacteria eating the bio nutrients out of the tank. I agree with Ty, I would recommend a skimmer first, then gfo, and not biopellets on such a small tank unless you plan to only do SPS.

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