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New parameter Monitor


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Sorry if I missed a previous thread on this... haven't been keeping up with the forums lately. Ran across this and thought you all would be interested:


Here's the Kickstarter:


I backed it at the $495 level. Who else is in?

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Okay, I officially suck at ARC... but we knew that already.

My spending might have been motivated by discovering this weekend that an uncalibrated refractometer has had me pushing my salinity down for the last month or so. The corals aren't real happy these days.

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Someone who doesn't want to deal with programming an Apex :-) and calibrating probes, and testing weekly, etc... there have always been cheaper ways to reef if you have lots of time, and more expensive if you don't (or don't want to spend it). People argue in favor of the Apex's price point all the time because of the "security it provides" to "protect your valuable livestock investment." This is the same thing, just up a rung as far as price. But for someone like me who has a new job, new dog, new home, recently moved tank, etc., but doesn't want to give up the hobby, this would be worth it to make my life that much easier. And I won't have to sit down and spend time to search forums/figure stuff out in order to program it.

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Best scenario is to have both, Apex and Mindstream. One monitors and the other can control equipment for auto control of foundation elements.

I love the concept but hate the price and the monthly replacement. If it ever becomes cheaper, I may be open to it. For now, my system runs itself just with the Apex and the only thing I have to do is test my alk weekly and the rest of the parameters quarterly.

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Someone who doesn't want to deal with programming an Apex :-) and calibrating probes, and testing weekly, etc... there have always been cheaper ways to reef if you have lots of time, and more expensive if you don't (or don't want to spend it). People argue in favor of the Apex's price point all the time because of the "security it provides" to "protect your valuable livestock investment." This is the same thing, just up a rung as far as price. But for someone like me who has a new job, new dog, new home, recently moved tank, etc., but doesn't want to give up the hobby, this would be worth it to make my life that much easier. And I won't have to sit down and spend time to search forums/figure stuff out in order to program it.

You programming phobe you! This device does nothing to alter the state of your tank, it just says "hey there's a problem". Can you leave your job to fix a problem? If not, what good does it do to notify you that something is awry?

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Someone who doesn't want to deal with programming an Apex :-) and calibrating probes, and testing weekly, etc... there have always been cheaper ways to reef if you have lots of time, and more expensive if you don't (or don't want to spend it). People argue in favor of the Apex's price point all the time because of the "security it provides" to "protect your valuable livestock investment." This is the same thing, just up a rung as far as price. But for someone like me who has a new job, new dog, new home, recently moved tank, etc., but doesn't want to give up the hobby, this would be worth it to make my life that much easier. And I won't have to sit down and spend time to search forums/figure stuff out in order to program it.

You programming phobe you! This device does nothing to alter the state of your tank, it just says "hey there's a problem". Can you leave your job to fix a problem? If not, what good does it do to notify you that something is awry?

I think what Victoly is saying is that he'll program your Apex for you. [emoji12]
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