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Clownfish Fighting


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HAPPY C4!!!!!!

Super excited to get over to the party but gotta get my mind off this issue.

I have 2 false perc clowns from one of my fave lfs :) Came from the same tank, same species yada yada. They've been together for a couple months. One is obviously the dominant of the pair. I have witnessed the submissive wiggle from the smaller on several occasions.

I have read up on the pairing up of clowns and what to expect when you're expecting (them to get along and one become female, other male etc) but at this point the black on the pectoral and tail fins of the submissive clown is just about gone (clear where black should be) and is looking thin and when attacked he is not doing the shudded and more just trying to get away.

I am all for being patient in these natural processes but at this point I am concerned about his health continuing to decline.

Should I

a) set up an emergency qt and let him heal

b) put one in an in tank breeder box until healed, if so, which one goes in the box

c) which I don't want to do but may be necessary: see about rehoming one at this point.

Sorry if this is TLDNR. I have been searching the internet but would love to hear advice on my individual situation.

As always ya'll are the best!!!

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I say put the injured one in the intank box until better. They may surprise you and show pairing activity during this time (I've added a new clown before and my original started pairing with it while it was still floating in the bag). If there is still no pairing activity after it is healed, try switching them out so the dominant one is in the box. I remember reading a thread where a breeder had sucess with this method.

Sent from my SM-G900P using Tapatalk

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One thing to remember, despite your best efforts some clownfish won't pair off, it isn't very common but is possible. Just wanted you to be aware of this fact.

What advice Teresa gave you is sound and you should try it and it will probably work.

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Removing the more aggressive fish from its territory and into the breeder box until the little guy that is getting beat up is fully healed would have a great chance for success. It's all about territory for them. Unless by some small chance they are both female. That would be a whole other box of worms.

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Keep in mind also that if they both are already female, they may never pair. Clowns start as male and then the dominant one becomes female, but I believe in most clowns it's a one way path (can't go back to male). So you're probably better off getting a second, much smaller clown to be the male in your pair.

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  • 2 weeks later...

So I never was able to catch her but have been carefully observing them the past couple weeks. The victim has been fattening up and displaying the submissive shake as appropriate. Basically getting better instead of worse. It appears there was a domestic dispute over the anemone they recently decided to use as their host. The agressor won and it's her nem. She even fought against me every time I stick my hand in the tank she ATTACKS. I have to put a net in the tank so she hides rather than being bitten. She gets so intense I'm worried she's gonna accidentally jump out.

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