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Calling All GFO Users!


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I am no expert at all. There I said my disclaimer. Haha. But I have the brs dual reactor. I am running 1.3 cups on 90-100 total water volume with gfo in canister one and carbon in number 2. Maybe I got super lucky but mine works. At first I thought it needed to be tumbling across the whole media. But I could never get it to do so. It would only tumble on let say an 1/8 of the circle on one side and never move. I thought this shouldn't and wouldn't work and my GFO would harden and not work but two weeks later it's still good. So my thoughts are maybe you are trying to tumble too much? If this didn't help I'm sorry. https://vimeo.com/126496640

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Ty you know I always love your opinions. And yes. But if you look at what it's doing. The water flow. It takes the path of least resistance. It is impossible to have it all tumble. Could I have more. Yes. I'm sure I could. Am I going to fix something that's not broken? Absolutely not haha. I find with my tank when something works I don't touch it hahaha

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I have the same reactor and was using the mj pump brs recommends, had the same issue as you. I ditched the mj for a stronger pump i had maying around and throttled it back with a valve. The mj they recommend does not have eniugh power in my opinion to run it- even at ine cup full.it has been working better, but not great since

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