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Thinking of trying Zeovit. Anyone here running it?


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I have recently been reading up on Zeovit. From what I have learned, you can get by without the big reactor they recommend and without using every supplement they offer. It seems, the "big 4" as they call it, is sufficient enough.

Anyone here have any experience with it or have any insight? I've read all that I can seem to find and would like to read some opinions from locals.

Thanks in advance.

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I tried it a while back and killed my tank with it. I know a few others on here that had the same experience. I've heard of a couple people that got some pretty sweet sps tanks using it but there's no way I'd ever use it again.

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It's definitely high risk high reward and not for the inexperienced sps keeper. Virtually pointless for non-sps dominant tanks, and pretty expensive.

Agreed. To me, the ideal user of zeovit is one that has an SPS dominate tank, who's already collected 90% of what SPS species they want in the tank, already has great success of growing colonies from frags, and has great color on their SPS already.

Then you take it to the next level and use zeovit to give it that extra umph in color. The reason I even mention having 90% of their SPS stock in tank is because I've heard from people who have used zeovit in the past, to have trouble acclimating new pieces to the very specific conditions in a zeo tank.

Price is also a huge variable to think about as it isn't cheap, and if you run the full zeo system, you can really break your wallet doing it. Also, the full system has you dropping all kinds of different products into your tank daily or weekly.

If you are just keeping a few SPS, I think you'd have better results just dosing amino acids instead of dabbling in zeo. Zeo is more for the hardcore SPS enthusiast. Plus, it's harder for you to crash your whole tank with just aminos. I've seen some very large, established SPS tanks come crashing down with a simple overdose of one product from zeos line of products. Use with caution!

That being said, they are some of the most beautiful SPS specific tanks I've ever seen on zeo.

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I think there are two groups of people using Zeovit. The first group is like Ty suggested, uber knowledgeable and successful sps fanatics taking it to the next level. The other, much larger group are those who are growing sps and their color, polyp extension, growth rate, etc. is just ok. This group (and I'm one of them) cyclically reaches a point of frustration and every six months throws a Hail Mary reaching for glory.

Here's where I ran into trouble. You can read about the science behind the Zeo method in their forum but essentially you are trying to starve your tank so that you can feed the corals specific things with all those pretty cobalt blue bottles. This transition period which last months is where most people crash their tank or get frustrated that they can't get down to the desired zero nutrient levels.

It did force me to learn more of the biology behind our hobby so for that I am grateful. My recommendation would be to latch onto someone who is successfully using it and learn from them.

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In theory, is zeovit similar to running bio-pellets? From what I understand about zeo - the reactor promotes growth of bacteria which slowly use up all the nitrates and phosphates and that's how you get ULN levels. Isn't that the same concept as running biopellets?... except the proprietary zeo magic potions that you add.

I also feel like the reason some of the nicest SPS tanks are zeo tanks is because someone who is willing to spend thousands on a zeo system and has the discipline to dose 4 to 8 different chemicals in their tank every day is already showing a very high level of commitment to their tank. So they probably take care of their tank a lot more than us normal folks do.

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Lots of testing lots of dosing. Hate to say it but it seems like zeovit is a retired/work from home style of reef keeping. Expensive and requires a level of daily attention which even at bare minimum is more than many of us "sps enthusiasts" are able to muster. Also I agree zeovit is for the sps dominant tank. Silly to use it on softies and Lps. You'll starve them into zero growth.

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