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Apex fusion question


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Just updated the ole apex to fusion finally. Somewhere along the line my apex had stopped communicating to the web and for the last couple months I've only messed with it via the actual display module. Hasn't been too big a problem.

The motivating factor to re routing all my modem and router cables in order to hook the mounted apex, to the mounted router, to my desktop computer all about 30 feet from each other...run on sentence...was when my wife and I went out of town for the day last week an my topoff bucket went empty and I forgot. My mother in law stopped by and called me to tell me my fish tank was making a slurping noise and there were lots of bubbles. Crap. If I had mobile control I could have cut my return pump from the car. Oh well.

So the update went seamlessly and I'm all connected and can get to the fusion page without issue, the feed modes work fine...here's the problem

None of the actual outlet controls work. I can move the sliders and stuff will change to "on" or "off" on the page, but nothing actually happens. Any help on what I'm doing wrong?

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Do the controls work with the web interface still?

I had some problems when I was logged into the web interface and fusion at the same time.

I had the same issue as jestep. Make sure you aren't on the old web interface and apex fusion interface at the same time otherwise fusion will time out.

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