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29g Indo-Pacific Reef


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More pictures to follow, as soon as I can remember to swap SD cards out. :)

This tank is almost 4 weeks old. It also acquired some corals a little early, due to good intentions by my minion/mentee, in attempt to save them. So far, so good... hoping and testing everyday.


Fluval Sea LED M24 25000k 24watt

T5 7800k 17watt

~5g DIY Sump

PF300 Overflow Box

CoralLife 65g Super Skimmer

Hydor Koralia 240gph Circulation Pump

Sicce Syncra Silent 3.0 - 714gph Return Pump

And it seems like I'm missing something else... So I'll have to go check and update later.



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  • 7 months later...

Thanks! smile.png And yes, we still have Simba (Red Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish). We saw Mufasa @ RCA when we already had Simba, so we just setup & plumbed one of the extra tanks we had in storage for him. Pretty soon there will be more tanks in the house than people. Oh wait, there already is....lol. fish.gif

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Yeah, we did have to start them off on gut loaded live ghost shrimp, but we've successfully managed to train them to happily accept non-live food. They have been eating frozen chopped up silversides & sardines for a couple of months, and all is well. They both even come up to the glass to beg for food now, and Simba has been known to spray water at you if you get closer to the top of the tank than he thinks you should be... lol.

And we even have a baby Nala now too, she's tiny and in the 'fuge until we move. She's also a Yellow Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish. I haven't been able to get a picture of her, yet, but hopefully soon!

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