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My first saltwater build...55gal


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I started out like most do in this game with freshwater fish. Got tired of the dull colors that freshwater was limited to and decided to venture to the saltwater world. Already had my 55gal aquarium, so I started my research on what I needed to get started. I was going to start this as simple and cost effective as I could, do to a limited budget. I like to try and make things in DIY style before I spend the all mighty dollar on expensive finished products from a retail store, and so I found myself at my local hardware store getting some 2x4's and other lumber do get a stand built. After completing my stand build, I stalked Craig's List everyday till someone was tearing down their saltwater setup do to a move and was able to get about 40 lbs of live rock for $1.00/lbs. I bought a few bags of live sand, crushed coral, and a big bag of aquarium salt from a local LFS. After getting my stand in place, and placing my empty 55gal on top, I guess it was time to start the cycling process. I put in my live sand and crushed coral for a good thick substrate bottom. Placed my live rock with a few peices Texas holy rock for a good sturdy base, and moved things around till my eyes were satisfied with the look. Now to mix the water. I got RO/DI water from the LFS and mixed it to a specific gravity level close to 1.025, as researched online for a reef talk. I already had in mind that I wanted reef friendly fish and beautiful corals as a goal. I added the water and then it was time to kick on the pumps and hang the lighting. I started out with a penguin HOB filter box with biowheel and a Fluval 305 canister filter. This got my water flowing around, and started to get it cycled. I later ended up adding another canister filter with a UV sterilizer for some added water movement in my tank. I don't use the canister filters for much filtration, I just put carbon in them and some filter floss. I figure my live rock and sandbed should do most of the filtering. I then researched how to make a DIY skimmer. After looking at the prices of them, I thought this would be the way to go. I decided the counter current method would be my build. With a little thought and creativity I was able to come up with something that worked. I got that installed, then I hung my lighting. All that was in my budget was to get a $10 hanging t8 light that held 2 bulbs. I put in a 10,000k ocean sun bulb and a 50/50 10,000k/actinic blue. I got a few led blue strips and put a switch on them for my moon light. After this was all done I went to the LFS and picked up a cleaning crew. I got a hand full of snails and a few crabs. Got them home and in the tank, then it was the waiting game for the cycle. I got it cycled and added a few reef friendly fish, and started enjoying a small piece of my own reef to look at whenever I wanted. Now that I have gone on about the setup I will ad some pictures and videos of what I have running right now. I plan on going much bigger once I'm not renting and have purchased a house. Thanks for reading and looking.


Building stand


Before staining


After staining


Canisters used for water flow



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Very nice. Your 55 gallon has so much more floor space than mine (which isn't SW anyway).

As for the videos, you can change the setting in YouTube to upload as public by default. I'm not sure where, I just remember doing it when I set up an account.

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Are you referring to the plant in the back left? If so, it is just a fake plans my fiance put back there to add some height to that side. She said that side looks too bare. Still looking for a nice coral for that side. Maybe the tree when it grows up more.

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I have a couple of spots with some green hair algae in my tank. What us the best way to remove it, toothbrush?

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A toothbrush and syphon attached to remove debris that could easily grow somewhere else works well. If the rock is able to be removed from tank, the same toothbrush dipped in hydrogen peroxide. Hydrogen peroxide is a strong oxidizer, similar to chlorine, be careful if you have delicate life forms near GHA.


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Are you referring to the plant in the back left? If so, it is just a fake plans my fiance put back there to add some height to that side. She said that side looks too bare. Still looking for a nice coral for that side. Maybe the tree when it grows up more.

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Instead of plastic plant consider a real macroaqlgae to aquascape that area. I will link you to a website owened by Russ Kronnwetter. He is an expert and has much information at this link. The rest of his website is sales with a wealth of more information. This brown Sargassum is an interesting cultivar. While it is related to the mats of Sargassum seaweed which float about with interesting micro fauna and fana along with interesting small fish from the Caribeean, this cultivar attaches itself and grows upright. A customer of AQR purchased a live rock from me and now has a gorgeous example of this in their nano tank. I think it is Ell Keeper but not sure. They took interesting picture with microscope attachment of camera. You could actually see calcium being precipated out of the water with uptake by this macro. I am sure that if you are interested you could get aq frag for free.

Tell me the details of your lights again.



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