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15 gallon GOM Box


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I been checking out Floridaliverock.... I think im going to place an order.Have you had any previous experience with them Dennis?


I dont, but clearly subsea has and recommended it. Also ceastman recently ordered from him.

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I purchased more than 1000 pounds from them.

Ill assume your happy with the quality. What is the logistics system they use to deliver?

You can get fedex, or get it shipped on an airline "counter to counter" for same say service. But you have to pick it up from the airport. In my case, the shipping charges make more sense to do counter to counter...so cheaper for same day service. No brainer.

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I purchased more than 1000 pounds from them.

Ill assume your happy with the quality. What is the logistics system they use to deliver?

You can get fedex, or get it shipped on an airline "counter to counter" for same say service. But you have to pick it up from the airport. In my case, the shipping charges make more sense to do counter to counter...so cheaper for same day service. No brainer.

Thank you sir.

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Rock arrives tomorrow. I got the 10g cleaned out and moved and the 15g setup last night. The holding tank has been cycled for a while, but i wanted to wait until my 40g tank stabilized first because i had a zoa, duncan, and three firefish that needed to be transfered out of QT. I didn't want to stress the guys out with a tank move only to ship them into the DT shortly after, so I moved them and then the tank.

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The rock and sand has arrived. There will hopefully be another post later, but this is a start. I took the afternoon off work (mostly) to pick this up, unpack it, drown it, and hang my light.

The rock looks awesome, although I wish I got more. I think the rock pile will be a little smaller than I hoped. There is a ton of "stuff" on it. I am not sure what any of it is, really.





I was planning on a 3"+ sand bed. Previously I put the rock on the glass and piled sand around for a stable bottom. But I didn't want to bury in of the goodies, so I made a little egg crate stand for the rock in the center. Simple egg crate with 2.5" PVC couplings zip-tied on. I also thought that the couplings would give sand dwellers a nice stable cave.


Now I unpacked the sand. I love it. It is various sizes and colors. Full of rocks and shells. Very cool stuff. I have not seen any worms or anything burrowing around, but if there aren't I have some to introduce. With the deep sand I need help keeping it stirred and cleaned. And yes, I just did remember to pull water out before adding the sand. First scoop in hand, mind you, but I remembered.


The water is all cloudy, but I can just see a problem starting to show. I hang the lights while waiting for the water to clear up a bit. Give me time to plan my "fix".

Well, the lights are hanging and shining brightly. But, the problem is definitely clear now. My shelf is too tall, or sand is to shallow, or something. So, i turned my PVC couples t'other way and shortened it up. I was able to wrestle it all the way down to the glass. I think I still have a shallow spot along the back, but time will tell how this works out.


So, there we have it. I have more work to do on the rock. But I'm thinking I will let the sand settle in for a while, then bring all the rock up and stack it in place. Take a bunch of pictures for references. That way, I have a hope of rebuilding the scape over the next several weeks. The filter is also pulling out a bunch of small particles. I'm pretty impressed with it.


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Looks awesome. I like the sand too. That's a bml light right. How is only the middle lights on and not the outer lights? Is this some sort of witch craft?


It's sort of like witchcraft. Their light boards are 12" long. So there is a 12" light in a 20" fixture. According to BML, there is magic that makes the 20" spread the light around, so I bought the 20" version. I think it also looks better to have it fit the width of the tank.

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That's so neat! I can't wait to find out about all the little critters and stuff in the sand and rock. So you have a separate holding tank for the rock? How long are you thinking it'll be before you put the rock in the display tank?

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That's so neat! I can't wait to find out about all the little critters and stuff in the sand and rock. So you have a separate holding tank for the rock? How long are you thinking it'll be before you put the rock in the display tank?

the concern is die off in the small tank causing big ammonia spikes. so, i'll add a piece then wait for the ammonia and nitrite to settle, add a piece, wait.... Dale the rock guy is saying every 3-4 days. so, slowly over a month or so.

Wow planeden, this is exciting! Looking forward to seeing the rock in place

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me too :)

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here is the one rock i have in my GOM Box (white balance is pretty off, not sure i used the right setting).


i could do a photobomb with just this rock showing all the sponges and alga on it. i'm a little concerned that it is furry, though.

Holding Tank - 30g Tall (standard 20g footprint with 10g extra on top)

hmmm, i either didn't do a FTS of the holding tank or it got put into the wrong folder. no time now, so pieces is what you get. lighting on this is 3 curly cue light bulbs at 6500K. it is only 75W or so (300 W equivalent - shrug), but i didn't want to spend a bunch of money for a month and wasn't able to get out to patrick's to borrow his light he offered. Some of these are furry, too.








Ironically, this spare tank was what i was planning on using for my first SW tank when i convinced the committee.

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"ehhh, it's just been 24 hours, how high could ammonia and nitrite get?" HIGH!!!!! that's the answer....really really really HIGH! Ok, maybe it wasn't that bad (3 ppm ammonia and 1 ppm nitrite on the 30g), but I did a small water change on the 15g and a big water change on the 30g. Seems like i'll be doing daily water changes for a little while.

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Wow, that is pretty high I'd think, especially if you're trying to keep the corals and critters alive. Can you also add some prime? I don't know much about cycling rock like that.

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  • 1 month later...

ok, i haven't had a chance to sign on, much less update this post. i haven't even had a lot of time to transfer rocks. i'm just now adding my fourth rock (dripping as we speak). so, this will be a large multi-post update.

General Stuff First

3 week war: To attack the fuzz i got a set of oompla loompas (CUC). i was planning to get about some hermit crabs and snails. i went to the first friday (like may 1st friday). long story short, i was thinking about getting like 10, but the deal at RCA with the bulk purchase...dang it...i came home with 20 small snails and hermits and 5 turbo snails. they cleaned the snot out of the rock. they arguably did too good of a job and ate some things i liked. i will cull the CUC when everything gets transferred over, and maybe get rid of the turbo snails because i think they are the ones eating the fun stuff. that said, the rocks are certainly not lacking life or color.

Hitchhikers: So far, I have only found one moving creature. A crab of some sort or another. i can't tell if his claws are point or blunt, and i haven't googled to see what it may be. but so far he seems to just pick things out of nooks and crannies in the rocks to eat. not sure what he finds there, but he doesn't seem to be hurting anything. he also seems to clean the macro sometimes. so, i'm happy with him.


5 day skirmish: in the blue corner: post-3177-0-39889200-1404929753_thumb.jp

in the red corner: post-3177-0-98328500-1404929905_thumb.jp

Sorry, i thought i had a better picture of the peppermint shrimp. anyway, i bought 5 peppermint shrimp. once they are done with the GOM box, i plan to split them up and put them in the other tanks, too. I have some aptasia in the QT they can get rid of and could use some more stuff in my DT. But, these guys took out four large aptasia in five nights. it was hilarious, when i first put them in the tank they were running around exploring. every time they got near an aptasia they would pause and either turn around or rapidly swim over/around it. i thought, ok, the aptasias are too big for them. much to my surprise, the next morning, the biggest one was gone. they seemed to take down one per night. i wish i could have seen it. they may have taken a day off or found one i was unaware of. anyway, aptasia solved. it is sad that it spreads so fast...i really think it is kinda pretty when it gets big. but in one month it went from one to five.

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Rock #3: Bivalves

Bivalves, corals, lumpy overgrowning sponge, macros, etc.

This had some sort of green sponge/algea on it that was really cool. but, somehow it broke off in the holding tank. i think it may have attached to the rock next to it enough to break it. i'm hoping i can reattach the big piece somehow.






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  • 4 weeks later...

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