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STN or RTN of SPS tally


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RTN - Rapid Tissue Necrosis

STN - Sudden Slow Tissue Necrosis (Oooops, doh.gif my bad!)

These are very generalized terms and almost certainly have a range of causes. It's really good to see JeeperTy's thread started here to collect data! Here's a link for more info on coral diseases: http://www.coris.noaa.gov/about/diseases/

Edited by Timfish
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Wade, STN=Slow Tissue Necrosis and RTN=Rapid Tissue Necrosis. I'm actually not sure where the difference between them lies. I called mine rapid because I suddenly noticed it one Friday and was pretty sure I would have noticed that much change if it had been there a few days before.

Timfish has summed up my corals experience better than I could have as far as the lighting changes. I will add that just before the coral in question began its RTN, a 2" piece of Monti Digitata (I think) which had been in the tank probably a year and only grown about an inch RTN'd over a few days. I hadn't done anything about it because I wasn't that crazy about that piece but when the other one started I got worried & fragged & dipped it immediately, which seemed to stop it (but I also turned off the new LED at the same time). Also, that small piece of Digi was on the opposite (far left) side of the tank, under the old MH that had been off several weeks and then back on for a few days before the LED was installed.

Since most of this thread seems centered around Alk changes, I will add that I don't have a doser other than myself. Generally I keep it in the range of 10-12 DKH and check it anywhere from once every 1-2 weeks to several times a week when it's been out of range and I'm trying to get it back where I want it. I use Seachem Reef Builder and Reef Advantage calcium, adding each about once or twice a week unless I'm trying to raise levels. Obviously my parameters don't stay as stable as those of you with dosing systems, but I guess my corals have adapted to that because they do pretty well. I'm not trying to achieve extreme growth, just keep a nice looking reef tank for the enjoyment of myself and my patients (it's in the lobby of Parmer Eye Care if anyone wants to see it).

It seems to have stabilized, and Timfish traded some new pieces for me so now I have new corals in the tank which makes me happy, but if anything else happens it adds another variable. Oh I have some frags of the seriatopora caliendrum (the ones I took off the mother colony that tried to RTN) that I'll sell if anyone is interested. I was going to wait a while to make sure they're stable, but it's been a couple of weeks. I'm pretty sure the Friday I noted the RTN and did the frag/dip was January 24.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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This is a great thread! If you all remember I posted a thread about my green cap and pink digi receding after I returned from vacation after Christmas. The only thing I could think of that changed was a sea whip I had put in there a few days before we left for vacation that had disintegrated while we were gone. However, now that I'm reading this I do remember trying to dial my 2-part in which resulted in some small alk changes (no more than a single dKH). If SPS are that sensitive to alk changes then maybe that caused it and not the sea whip trashing the tank. Although I do have one SPS that wasn't affected at all (stylo) and one that was slowly receding and has appeared to have stopped (potato chip pavona), The cap went quick and the digi just bleached out completed and all PE stopped. I moved it to my QT, but it's just bone white.

Thanks for the link Tim. I'm going to go check that out now.

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