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Burr puffer


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So i have done years of reasearch "literally" and have owned one a few years ago that did ok for a few months but eventually starved. I know they are stubborn and 90% usually starve to death, I also know they dont come from the reef, but more of a grassy sea bed, i went into this desicion knowing all of the info provided on the web and also my own expieriences. but here is goes, so my son wanted a puffer for his 70g fowlr tank, i found a burr puffer at aqua dome and was skeptical at buying one of these in general because of thier difficulty, and unwillingness to eat. This one was very attentive and ate fine at the aqua dome and now is at my house in quarintine, after looking a little confused and stressed i dropped some krill in to quarantine tank and he went straight for it. After this suprise i took some more and held it in the water with my fingers and low and behold he ate every bit right out of my hand!!! Any one who has had expierience with these fish please chime in and let me know what your terms of success were. I believe i am in the right direction and i believe i have a good specimen. I know he will eventually grow out of this tank i only want the best for him/her and am willing to giver it what it needs for it to be benificial to the fish

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i have a valentini puffer in one of my tanks. He comes up and takes food from my hand as well. Not sure if Burr's are similar, but the valentini puffer has sharp little teeth. I've also caught him nipping at my monticaps. From what I was told, if they eat right away, then you're off to a good start.

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